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Semroc Taurus Model Rocket Kit

The Taurus from Semroc is an easy to build rocket. Patterned after the Centuri kit of the 1970s,
the Taurus has the classic sci-fi look from that era.

Blade SpanRaw:
CP Method: Rocksim/Rocksim
CP MethodRaw: Rocksim/Rocksim
CP Position From Front: 20.0500 inches
CP Position From FrontRaw: 20.0500
CP Position From RearRaw:
Decals: Waterslide
DecalsRaw: Waterslide
Design (OpenRocket)Raw:
Design (RockSim)Raw:
Design (SpaceCad)Raw:
Diameter: 1.3400 inches
DiameterRaw: 1.3400
Fin Material: Balsa
Fin MaterialRaw: Balsa
Fin Span: 6.6000 inches
Fin SpanRaw: 6.6000
Length: 23.5000 inches
LengthRaw: 23.5000
Main Body TubeRaw:
Main Nose ConeRaw:
Manufacturer: Semroc
ManufacturerRaw: Semroc
Model: KV-42
ModelRaw: KV-42
Motor SizeRaw:
Nose Cone Material: Balsa
Nose Cone MaterialRaw: Balsa
Original PriceRaw:
Plan (Estes Instructions)Raw:
Plan (JimZ)Raw:
Plan (Other)Raw:
Plan (YORP)Raw:
Power: Low-Power
PowerRaw: Low-Power
Product Type: Kit
Product TypeRaw: Kit
Production YearsRaw:
Recommended Motors: A8-3, B6-4, C6-5
Recommended MotorsRaw: A8-3, B6-4, C6-5
Recovery: Parachute
RecoveryRaw: Parachute
Related ProductsRaw:
Skill Level: 1
Skill LevelRaw: 1
StatusRaw: In-Production
Style: Clone, Futuristic/Exotic
StyleRaw: Clone, Futuristic/Exotic
TagsRaw: Family:Centuri:Taurus
Weight: 8.0000 ounces
WeightRaw: 8.0000
Wing SpanRaw:

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