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All Videos by smooresculpture

Red Glare XI 2 stage (2011-12-01)

I motor 2 stage

Red Glare XI AMRAAM (2024-04-28)
Red Glare XI C-Star (2011-12-01)

Rocket with CTI C-Star motor

Red Glare XI Cheroke M (2011-12-01)

M power sparky, what's not to like?

Red Glare XI Chuck's rocket (2011-12-01)

Hey, its Chuck's rocket!

Red Glare XI Iris (2011-12-01)

N5000 in a scale Iris rocket

Red Glare XI King Kraken (2011-12-01)

Pemb Tech King Kraken on a G185, don't blink

Red Glare XI Pac-3 Patriot (2011-12-01)

2.6" Pac 3 on an F50, listen for the whistle. The rocket was lost on sunday, drifting eastward. If found please contact MDRA. Thank you.

Red Glare XI patriot (2011-12-01)

Performance Rocketry 1/4 patriot on a CTI I223 skidmark

Red Glare XI Phoenix (2011-12-01)

4" Madcow phoenix on an H154

Red Glare XI Pink Flamingo (2011-12-01)

Pink Estes Big Daddy on Aerotech F25W

Red Glare XI Ultimate Darkstar (2011-12-01)
Red Glare XI Ultimate Wildman (2011-12-01)

A L3 attempt on an Ultimate Wildman on M power

Red Glare XII Little John P motor (2012-07-22)

Yes, you could feel it.