The Southern Pennsylvania Area Association of Rocketry, SPAAR is a chartered section of the National Association of Rocketry. We are based in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, and have active members in South-Central Pennsylvania and Northeastern Maryland. SPAAR holds monthly sport launches at the Penn Manor Middle School in Lancaster, PA and monthly meetings at the Boys Club Clubhouseat 237 W. Lemon St., Lancaster, PA. We sponsor the Regional Aerospace Meet to Encourage Competition, RAMTEC, as well as NAR sanctioned record trials in the spring and late summer at our Penn Manor launch facility. Launches are also held in Halifax, PA and Fort Indiantown Gap, PA.
Membership in SPAAR is open to all persons with an interest in rocketry.
Southern Pennsylvania Area Association of Rocketry (SPAAR) is a National Association of Rocketry section (503). Southern Pennsylvania Area Association of Rocketry (SPAAR) is a rocketry club located in Lancaster, PA.