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![](images/resized/vthumb-202501152222th261.jpg) | IMG_0067.MOV (2011-10-02) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/nostar.gif) ![](images/nostar.gif) ![](images/nostar.gif) CT Tripoli # 26 Hurley, NY Saturday launch. LOC MAGNUM on a I300 motor. Dual Deployment tested functional, Main fired at .6 seconds after MAIN due to not reaching over 750 feet. Altimeter sensed altitude was under selected main chute deployment and in .6 seconds the main also popped out. Safe recovery and thrust was 5:1 . First time flying on a I usually fly this bird on J and K695 AMW SKIDMARKS! Just had the motor sitting since last winter, still good! :)
![](images/resized/vthumb-202501152220th692.jpg) | LDRS 28 Smokin' Rocketry IRIS M1850 (2011-07-13) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/fullstar.gif) LDRS 28 AerotTech Rocketry RMS M1850 White Lightning 64 Pound 12' Smokin' Rockets IRIS - Same Rocket shown in ROCKETS MAGAZINE LDRS28 Edition. Thanks to Mike,Ken, Craig and Bailey the launch team.
![](images/resized/vthumb-202501152222th189.jpg) | M2U00285.MPG Upscale Estes Interceptor (2011-06-26) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/nostar.gif) ![](images/nostar.gif) ![](images/nostar.gif) |
![](images/resized/vthumb-202501152221th112.jpg) | MADCOW ROCKETRY Kit (2011-06-24) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/nostar.gif) ![](images/nostar.gif) ![](images/nostar.gif) ![](images/nostar.gif) Frank G flying a MADCOW rocket kit
![](images/resized/vthumb-202501152231th949.jpg) | PINK DRAG RACE Part 1 -2 (2011-06-20) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/nostar.gif) ![](images/nostar.gif) ![](images/nostar.gif) October 22nd Sunday Round 2 - PINK DRAG RACE Al Gloer versus Richard Comshaw in the PINK M Impulse Drag Race Al's rocket was funded by Yale New Haven Hospital and will be on display. Prior to launch this rocket was autographed by brest cancer survivors who were present to observe the drag race. This rocket will be on display at the Yale New Haven Hospital Cancer Center MDRA Launch for Life, It's all about Recovery MDRA collected donations for the Maryland Affiliate of Susan G. Komen For The Cure. www.mdrocketry.org
![](images/resized/vthumb-202501152220th511.jpg) | Polecat Aerospace - ALIEN WARS - WOKET Drag RACE J250 SKidmark (2011-05-29) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/nostar.gif) ![](images/nostar.gif) ![](images/nostar.gif) The WOKET is a 24" Flying Saucer and supports up to 54mm reloadable motors. J525 Loki Research and J90's are some of the most poplular motors. I prefer the AMW/PROX J250 Skidmark, Rob selected an I 111 white motor.
![](images/resized/vthumb-202501152216th469.jpg) | ROB level 1 NAR CERTIFICATION October 17th Hurley, NY (2011-06-25) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/fullstar.gif) Brooklyn in the house, Rob showed up to obtain his NAR LEVEL 1 and he accomplished his mission. Best part was his family came to witness his flight, this is what sport rocketry is all about! LOC MINI MAG 5.5" dia rocket flew on a Aerotech H148 REDLINE. This was a 4LB rocket that was predicted to reach an altitude of 1150' Perfect flight and recovery: Welcome to HIGHPOWER ROCKETRY! , NOW GET OUT YOUR CHECKBOOK
![](images/resized/vthumb-202501152217th557.jpg) | Vince L NAR L2 attempt with a DG&A on a CTI 5 GRAIN J reload M2U00298.MPG (2011-07-13) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/nostar.gif) ![](images/nostar.gif) ![](images/nostar.gif) |
![](images/resized/vthumb-202501152231th477.jpg) | Wildman Rocketry N10,000 Ns CTI Drag Race - MDRA REDGLARE 8 (2011-06-20) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/fullstar.gif) Four CTI N10,000Ns motors being flown in (3) Ultra Wildman 6" Rockets and one 7.5" Nike Smoke. Put your rocket where your mouth is! The WILDMAN ROCKETS proved themselves again!