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Rocketry Videos

Videos / Tutorials / Stability
Model Rocket Design: Stability Basics Mikes Inventions (2015-02-04)
http://mikesinventions.etsy.com https://paltap.me/MikesInventions An introduction to rocket stability. I explain the center of gravity and the center of pressure and the relationship between them. ... [View]
Model Rocketry (2020-12-10)
Illinois Wing (IL WG) Civil Air Patrol Aerospace Education Conference 2020 Model Rocketry 1st Lt Bryon Nush https://ilwg.cap.gov/ae-conference#Nush The model rocketry presentation will cover the ... [View]
Rocket Stability (2018-02-09)
This episode discusses the stability of fin stabilized rockets. It includes multiple swing test experiments to verify the location of the Center of Pressure determined by two different estimating ... [View]