This is a 9-foot tall high-power model rocket made from 1/4-inch thick pink sheet foam insulation purchased at Home Depot. The motor is a Cesaroni I55-9A (Mellow) with a 7-second burn. The body tube cross-section is triangle-shaped rather than round and 8 inches wide on each side. The foam sections are held together with clear packaging tape. The 3 tail fins are essentially 10-inch long sections of triangular body tube attached parallel and to the end of the main body tube. The nose cone is triangular like a 3-sided pyramid. Painted black and having all triangular features, this rocket is very stealthy looking, hence the name “Stealth”. Estimated altitude was 1200 feet. It only had an 18-inch chute but a strong wind blew it out of the park into a thick wooded area and it was lost on its maiden flight at the CATO Launch event in Durham CT on July 21, 2018.
Rocketry Club: CATO Rocketry Club
Author | Edward Lakatos |
Duration | 86 seconds |