Flight Log - 2015-07-11 - Steve Lindeman's Tinkerbell

Tinkerbell is a scratch built 38.5" long, 2" dia. rocket with a 29mm motor mount. She has a custom 8" nose cone that is a pencil cup holder that I bought on clearance at Wal-Mart for a buck. BT is slotted for TTW fin construction with custom made fairy wings. BT has a custom wrap around finish instead of being painted. I used Open Rocket 15.03 for layout and sims.

Flight Date: 2015-07-11
Rocket Name: Tinkerbell
Flyer's Name: Steve Lindeman
Motors: E16-6
Expected Altitude: 786 Feet
Wind Speed: 7.00 mph
Launch Site: JMRC-M.I.S./Graves Farm Campground

3rd flight for this rocket and a repeat of the first two flights. This rocket is proving to be a very good design with the exception of one fin that is taking a beating. Was damaged slightly on last flight and received additional damage from this landing. Will need to do some minor repair work before I fly it again.

1Estes E16-6


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