Superfluous Launch 7 at Balls 19 on Sep. 25, 2010, 11:24.

Video 1 of 83
Published:2010-10-01 20:58:10

Note CCW rotation above mach, CW rotation below. Altitude: 19200 ft, Max Airspeed: 1500 ft / sec - Mach 1.4, Max Accel. 12.4 Gs Recovered 4 miles NW of site with No Damage. Backup drogue charge did not fire. Rocket 122 in long, 5.1 in dia., 60.3 lbs loaded, fiberglass, G-Wiz HCX, Missile Works RRC2. Team Members / Project Contribution: Scott Hertel - Launch Controller Gerald Meux - Motor Hardware / Logistics James Donald - Rocket / Launch Pad

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