Shop @ RocketReviewsThe Launch Pad Indigo Surface-to-Air Missile Model Rocket KitThe Launch Pad's Indigo is a 1/2.95 scale model of the high-acceleration, short-range anti-aircraft missile manufactured by Contraves Italiana and Sistel. The real missile's single-stage, British-manufactured motor produces 8,267 lbs. of thrust for 2.5 seconds giving the Indigo a range of approximately 6.25 miles against low-level targets. The Indigo is part of a self-contained mobile unit carried by tracked vehicles with six missile containers on each. The real missile is 3.32 meters long, weighs 267 pounds at launch, and carries a 21 kilogram fragmentation warhead. The Indigo kit now uses D through F motors for spectacular flights. The model is more than 44 inches tall.
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