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Who's Who >> |
Thomas "Tweeks" Weeks
AKA: Tweeks Location: Blacksburg, VA Certification Level: L3 / TRA Club Memberships: TRA, NRVR.ORG Favorite Rockets: 5.5" Black Brant, Talon3, Mad Cow Bomarc, Nike-X, any scale military rockets Biography:
- Flying models since the 80s.
- Discovered MP/HP in the 90s in San Antonio (thanks to SARS and Art Applewhite for all the HP help).
- Moved to Blacksburg VA (with Rackspace) in 2011 and worked to start the regional HP rocket group NRVR.ORG.
- Into sticking DIY electronics in HP rockets (arduino, ham, GPS, etc).
- Big embedded Linux geek
- TRA#11056 L3
Favorite Quote: NRV Rocketry... Just some Rocket Guys who want to fly...
Personal Home Page: http://theweeks.org/rockets/ Club Home Page: http://nrvr.org/ Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/ThomasW.Weeks RocketReviews.com Pages: What You Can Do