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All Videos by triptechb

Rocketing above cloud level (2011-07-02)

my slightly altered Madcow, super dx-3 flying on 38mm 6GXL cesaroni motors at maddox dairy farm with TCC. weighing in at 9.5 lbs loaded this bird is 4'' in dia. and a little under 7' tall. controlling deployment is the G-WIZ HCX flight computer. video is by boostervision gearcam.

triptechb Dairy Aire L3 cert.m4v (2011-05-29)

Flying at Dairy Aire with TCC near Fresno California, first up is my dread skeet in another trilogy. all cesaroni I-impulse flights- 255, 287, 303. and for the grand finally, my NAR level three certification flight.

triptechbskyfindertest.m4v (2011-05-29)

skyfinder is my 25# 1/3 scale Nike Smoke from Polecat Aerospace. this flight was a test to see if it could handle impulse similar to an M. the motor was a cesaroni 4grain 75mm L-1395 blue time to mach 2.7 seconds, altitude of mach transition, 1665 feet, max speed 780, altitude of max speed 2043, apogee 8600 feet data came from G-WIZ HCX and LCX thanks to everyone who lent me advice and support up to and durring this build, special thanks to TCC for hosting a great launch each month, Jack Garibaldi for loaning me the hardware for this flight along with hardware and expert advice for many other flights, and to James D. for helping me assemble my first 75mm motor.