Jon Chrisman's "Ultimate Wildman" Level 3 Certification Flight (2012-09-26)Jon's successful level 3 certification flight with his rocket "Ultimate Wildman". Flown at Freedom Launch 2012 on September 1st in Orangeburg, South Carolina, USA. Technical Adviser was Tom Binford. ... [View]
MDRA ESL 164 - Unknown N Motor (2012-01-16)Ultimate Wildman being flown on an Unknown N Motor by an Unknown flier. Please comment with additional information. [View]
Midwest Power 2011 Drag Race (2011-11-01)12 Ultimate Wildman rockets take off at 2011 Midwest Power, just north of Princeton, IL. Each one is flying a Cesaroni N-5800 motor. There are some photos first, then video in real-time, 1/4 time, ... [View]
Launch of Jason Chamberlin's Ultimate Wildman at NARAM 60 (2018-08-16)This launch was nothing less than amazing [View]
Little Blue Pill flying on an AMW N2800 (2011-10-01)Wildman Rocketry Ultimate Wildman Kit at West Texas Rocketry's Girvin Texas launch site. [View]
Tripoli L3 Certification Flight (2019-03-12)Ultimate Wildman flying on an Aerotech M2500T with the Kloudbusters 3.10.2019. This is my Tripoli Rocketry Association level 3 certification flight. [View]