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All Videos by verlaly1

Swampfox Rocketry vid 2 PK-36 29ss 2x G-79-10W (2011-06-28)

This is the anouther video of the pk-36 29ss on its last flight to 3700 ft, its yet to be found average Impulse 158 newtons from the 2x G-79 -10W MOTORS this Is an awsome rocket kit from LOC percisions too bad i cant find mine!

Swampfox Rocketry Vid 3 PK-36 29-SS (2011-05-29)

Failed cluster only one G 80-13T motor lit out of 4 slow take off of the three pound rocket , still managed to recover lt even deployed the chute just before impact

Swampfox Rocketry vid 8 Quest Falcon 810 mph launch to 6000 ft (2011-07-13)

Modified Quest Falcon with G-80-13t motor very fast rocket went through the clouds before motor even burned out, never seen agian