vNARCON 2022 - Level 1 Rocket Build Session
vNARCON 2022 - Level 1 Rocket Build Session. Presented by James Cramton. In this Level 1 Certification Build session, James leads attendees through construction and pre-flight planning for a Level 1 certification flight with the SBR 3 Inch Fusion high power rocket. In addition to step-by-step video instruction, James discusses practical tips for essential flight safety topics like field selection and layout, motor selection, and software modeling. At the end of the session, attendees will have the background needed to build the Fusion rocket for a certification flight, and they will have the tools to understand what's needed for a successful certification flight. You can purchase the NARCON edition of the SBR 3 Inch Fusion kit here: An optional follow-on to this virtual build session is Will Marchant's Arduino—Build It, Fly It presentation. The NARCON edition of the Fusion 3 rocket comes with a payload sled that is compatible with Will's arduino presentation
Author National Association of Rocketry (NAR)
Duration 00:56:15

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