Ken E. Coyote's Page

AKA: Ken E.Coyote

Location: NY

Club Memberships: NAR,Metra Rocket Club

Favorite Rockets: Rocketarium Mega Vortico


Although I always wanted to get into rocketry I never really got the chance since I grew up in a crowded city.  However I did fire a ridiculous amount of small bottle rockets when I was younger (I would hope that counts somewhat! :)  I've loved building things growing up...static model kits were the norm and I got into RC models as I got older.  I also love wordworking and any type of craft which involves making stuff.  Rocketry seems to be the perfect fit for me!  I LOVE the multi-media nature as well as the point that the rocket doesn't have to have a perfect paint job to look good (especially good if your eyesight gets worse as you age).  Great bonus is that these rockets aren't static and can be blasted off into the great blue yonder and (hopefully) return safely for another go.  I'm the creative type and I love the diversity of kits out there...this hobby is screaming for me to go crazy with silly (but safe) designs.  I've just started rocketry in 2014, but wow, I've learned a lot!

Thanks for reading! 

Favorite Quote:

Wile E. Coyote is a genius!  Laughing

You know you're a Rockethead if you go to the store or supermarket and start thinking "I think I can make that into a rocket"!



Club Home Page: Pages:



Estes MIRV


Second flight! Winds were very tricky this day and had already sent my rockets to 3 of the 4 corners of my field (including two that were way behind me, which was bad). I angled the rocket way to the right field hoping it would go towards the biggest open area and it worked! The boost up was ... [More]


TLP AGM-65B Maverick


Good flight! Rocket rose pretty high, good ejection and recovery came out, but somewhat bunched up (I haven't had good experiences with mylar chutes in freezing weather. Two small lower fins snapped a bit, but easily repaired. Common landing breakage for this rocket. ... [More]



Estes - Star Wars Naboo Royal Starship


Great flight! C5-3 is perfect for this rocket. Rode straight up with a slight rotation. Ejection shortly after a bit of coast at apogee. However, chute came down in a parkway (small tight tube on a feeling cold day). Rocket landed a bit hard and a clear fin came off, but easily glued back on. ... [More]



Estes SR-71


Another beautiful boost! Ejection at apogee; however, the 10 year old elastic cord broke and the nose cone came down separate from the body. The body came down in a flat spin and landed in the snow fine. Great rocket! - B4-2 - Frozen Lake [More]



Semroc Snake Jumper


Great Flight, but bad landing. Rocket went straight up beautifully, perfect ejection at apogee, good chute deploy, but landed on hard ice and broke off a wing. Will repair and fly again! - B6-2 - Frozen Lake [More]


Semroc - Saki (KA-12)


Well, I had last tried an A8-3 and that wasn't enough, leading to a fin being broken off. However, it was easily fixed and now I figured why not put in a real motor... C5-3! Boost was straight and excellent. Ejection right around apogee and landing was a nailbiter, but good into soft snow (it ... [More]



Estes Screaming Eagle


Beautiful flight... boost up looked amazing! Ejection charge was very loud and shot the nose cone off the body. Body came down in a flat spin and landed in soft snow without any damage. - B6-4 - Frozen Lake [More]


Estes Crossfire ISX


Low flight with ejection a bit past apogee while rocket was pointing down. - A8-3 - Frozen Lake [More]


Estes Cosmic Cobra


Beautiful and fun flight! I added a bit of clay to the nose so that it's more likely to point down when spinning. Probably also helped to keep the nose from drifting too far away (it sure hovered for a long time). The plastic fin can on the bottom is great for snow launches! https://www.y ... [More]



Semroc - Saki (KA-12)


Motor wasn't enough for this heavy and draggy goony and flight was very low. Rocket flipped around and came in fast towards my left and chute finally deployed just short of hitting the deck. Very exciting, but I wouldn't do that again! One "wing" broke, but should be an easy repair. - A8-3 - ... [More]



Estes Mega Der Red Max (Kit)


If you like the regular Der Red Max, you'll go gaga over the Pro Series II Mega Max!  I built this one kind of quickly along with the Pro Series II Nike Smoke, so construction was somewhat of a blur, but I was very impressed with the materials and design.  I felt you get a lot of ... [More]


Ken E. Coyote