Flight Log - 2021-08-07 - Wes Munn's AMRAAM

Building this to continue to develop rocket building skills. Continuing to test out primering/sanding/painting techniques. Just completed building my own large rocket fin jig to use to place fins on this rocket. Upon completion of this rocket kit, this will be my first introduction into mid-power with a modest start with a D12-5 Estes engine.

I am adding a 13cm 3D printed payload bay to carry an Arduino flight altimeter.

Flight Date: 2021-08-07
Rocket Name: AMRAAM
Kit Name: Rocketarium - AMRAAM AIM 120A {Kit} (RK-AMRAA) [2011-]
Flyer's Name: Wes Munn
Motors: D12-5
Expected Altitude: 500 Feet
Wind Speed: 2.00 mph
Launch Site: Dalzell, SC
Actual Altitude: 395 Feet

First flight. Had igniter malfunction. Jordan and Hap helped track down the problem. Hap loadned me a better igniter -- not an Estes brand, and ignition was flawless. On this flight, parachute deployed, but riser line got untied in midair, breaking away from the parachute. However, AMRAAM landed not too far away and was in perfect condition. All that was needed was to reattach the riser line more firmly.


This flight also used a small payload carrying a Jolly Logic, Altimeter One.

1Estes D12-5


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