William Beggs's Page

Location: Albuquerque, NM

Certification Level: L3CC NAR, L3 TAP Tripoli

Club Memberships: ARS,NAR,Tripoli

Favorite Rockets: Any V-2 and most scale rockets

Personal Home Page: http://www.postwarv2.com/

Club Home Page: http://www.arsabq.org/

RocketReviews.com Pages:



Hermes A-1 No 5


Good flight but broke a couple of fins on landing due to high winds. - H128-10 - NCR - Atlas [More]




Good flight. Pretty windy so had to walk a ways since it was single parachute deploy and I didn't have a chute release onboard. I did take about 5 seconds out of the ejection delay. - H180-14 - NCR - Atlas [More]


Hawk Motor Test Vehicle


Good flight. No damage and didn't travel a long ways - B6-4 - NCR - Atlas [More]


Estes Big Daddy


Good flight. Just had to walk a ways to retrieve it. - E12-4 - NCR - Atlas [More]


Aerospace Speciality Products V2 (18mm)


Good take off but the shock cord broke and I lost the parachute and nosecone. - C6-3 - NCR - Atlas [More]



MPC Flare Patriot


Built this one last year but it got buried in the bottom of my rocket box. Dug it out and got it on the pad today. Perfectly straight flight. - B6-4 - Ft. Harrison - Indy [More]



LOC/Precision V2 (3.9


Great flight. A little early on the delay but I had to drill out the ejection charge and probably went a little too much. The delay grain was for 7 seconds but I was closer to 4 seconds. The recovery still went well with no noticeable damage. - G64-7 - NCR [More]


Public Missiles D-Region Tomahawk


Great flight but definitely needs a much more powerful motor. Dual parachute deployment worked great. I did crack one of the fins on landing due to the breezy conditions. Easily fixed and will fly again. - H210-ALTIM - NCR [More]


Estes Silver Comet


Weather cocked a lot due to breezy conditions and had a high speed recovery. The shock cord broke and the booster crashed and broke apart. Pretty much a total loss of the booster. The nosecone and stripped parachute were recovered. One good thing is that the tail cone can be used to build another ... [More]


Atlantic Rockets - V2 (ARCRK)


Great flight and recovery! Rocket weather cocked a little due to the breezy conditions. The motor took three ignitors to get off the pad. The first one was a copper head which is always a hit or miss. The next two tried where the QuickBurst Twiggy motor starters of which the first one popped out ... [More]



Scratch Interceptor L (Scratch)


( Contributed - by William Beggs - 11/24/08) Brief: What do you get when you combine an Aveeno lotion bottle and an Estes Interceptor rocket kit? Well, you get my entry for the "Design this Spaceship" contest. The name I am giving my design is "Interceptor L" with ... [More]



Aerospace Speciality Products Corporal (24mm) (Kit)


Brief : The Corporal is one of Aerospace Speciality Products (ASP) scale rocket kits. I have built all of ASP’s V-2’s and found this kit to be just as enjoyable to build. This particular kit is the 24mm motor tube version and is a 1:22.5 scale version of the U.S. Army’s ... [More]



Scratch Hermes A-3A Missile (Scratch)


( Contributed - by William Beggs - 03/10/08) Brief: My "Scale" project is going to be the Hermes A-3A Missile. Most people have never seen this rocket which makes it a perfect candidate for this particular contest. The original Hermes A-3 project called for a liquid-fue ... [More]



Scratch ASP-1 (Scratch)


( Contributed - by William Beggs- 02/17/08) Brief: My upscale project is the ASP sounding rocket. Modeled after the Model Products Corporation (MPC) ASP-1, which has a body diameter of 0.591" and is offered by FlisKits. My project has a diameter of 1.315" which makes it ... [More]



Scratch Pringles Recycled Rocket Project (PRRP) (Scratch)


I have wanted to build a rocket out of a Pringles can for a long time now and I finally got the opportunity with this recycle contest. Materials: Pringles can for body tube Pringles lid and snow cone paper cup for nose cone Garcia & Vega plastic cigar case for the body tube ... [More]



Scratch Avenger (Scratch)


Brief: This is my attempt at designing and building a retro Spaceship that closely resembles one of the displays that CoolRockets has. The one I decided to replicate was the “Streamliner”. Since this is my first time attempting this I figured this design was fairly basic. The name I ... [More]



Giant Leap Rocketry Elipse (Kit)


Brief: This is Giant Leap Rocketry's entry into the “sport kit” class of rockets. It's touted as the most advanced kit in rocketry. The Elipse is a 3” diameter rocket that stands 78” tall and is not a design you are use to seeing at a regular club launch. Its fins ... [More]


William Beggs