| "Green" Arreaux by Aerotech (2011-07-13)      Video of my Aerotech "Green" Arreaux from the National Association of Rocketry's National Sport Launch 2008 at Orangeburg, SC, Memorial Day weekend. I flew it on Sunday with an Aerotech F37W-M 29mm reload and on Monday with a G104T-M reload. The F motor flight canted over and went up at an angle, possibly because the motor didn't light fast enough to get air flowing over the fins. The G motor flight, however, went straight up very fast and came by not too far away.
 | Bayboro October 2008 (2011-06-28)      A collection of rockets launched from the high power rocket field in Bayboro, NC on October 26, 2008.
 | Blue Ninja Rocket Fireball (2011-06-03)      My wife's attempted to launch her brand new Estes Blue Ninja rocket on a D12-3 engine, but it CATOed at launch at produced a large fireball!
 | Estes Astrovision at NSL 2008 (2011-06-26)      Video from an Estes Astrovision model rocket at the National Association of Rocketry's National Sport Launch 2008 in Orangeburg, SC.
 | Isis Rocket Launch (2011-05-29)      Video of my wife's high power rocket, Isis, launched on a Cesaroni H400 Vmax motor at Bayboro, NC in January 2011. Engine burn time is 0.64 seconds. Motor burnout happens at about 186 feet. The rocket then continues coasting for about 9.8 seconds until it reaches around 2256 feet before ejecting the parachute.
 | NSL 2008 Saturday Day (2011-08-21)      Video from the National Sport Launch 2008 Saturday, 24/May/2008 put on by the National Association of Rocketry
 | NSL 2008 Saturday Night (2011-07-09)      Video from the night launch, Saturday 24/May/2008, at the National Sport Launch 2008 put on by the National Association of Rocketry in Orangeburg, SC.