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CATOs and Crunches

Watch a collection of videos which capture those moments when things go wrong.

ThumbnailTitleAuthorAdded       Created    RatingDescription
Impressive CATO - CIMG5749nerys712011-07-132011-04-14
An impressive CATO at Red Glare X - note the visual example of inertia here. The CATO nearly STOPS the motor casing dead in its tracks but inertia keeps the rocket bottom half moving forward sliding ...
1-26-08 Rocket launch Tribute rocket, end over end failureRob Roday2014-01-182008-01-26
Not a spectacular failure, but a failure nontheless. This one needs a design change for stability Used one D12-7 engine.
A Large Rocket Crashes at Springfestaeroexperimental2011-07-132009-05-12
Two very large rockets drag race at the Springfest rocket launch. One has a motor failure and dives into the lakebed under power. Jean Dry Lake, Nevada
BALLS 19 September 24-26, 2010kninja250r2011-07-022010-09-29
Balls 19 hosted by AHPRA at the Black Rock Lake Bed in Gerlach, NV.
Black Rock Desert rocket catos, 2002-2005SagebrushRebel2011-07-022007-03-26
These are rocket catos at launch meetings of Aeropac in the years 2002, 2004, and 2005.
Blue Ninja Rocket Fireballclubjuggler2011-06-032009-03-02
My wife's attempted to launch her brand new Estes Blue Ninja rocket on a D12-3 engine, but it CATOed at launch at produced a large fireball!
Brian's "No Surrender" Hypertek CATOjeffmensch2011-07-132010-04-25
Brian's "No Surrender" rocket was supposed to launch on a Hypertek M1010FX hybrid. After nitrous fill, ignition failed and only a white flash was seen. The motor CATO'd on the second fire attempt, ...
Big Dumb Rocket Squared launch, Snow Ranch, March 5 2011. Look for the chuff at about 11 seconds, the blow-out at about 14 seconds. K550s are a beautiful motor. Thx Aaron for the expert video ...
Crash and Burn! How NOT To Recover a 42 Foot Tall Half-Ton Rocketspacearium2011-07-022010-04-30
At the FireBALLS 5 amateur and experimental rocketry gathering of "large and dangerous" rockets in Nevada, Chuck Sackett launched his pet project, named Project 463. The rocket was 42 feet tall and ...
Cross eyed Mary Balls18FireHoundProductions2011-06-222009-10-15
Team Umerg's beer keg rocket had a cato coming off of the pad, short but spectacular flight.
Custom model rocket launch FAILAidan Burling2013-12-102013-08-23
Thanks for watching! If you enjoyed be sure to leave a like, comment or subscribe! Sorry for the screwed up intro lol :3.
D-B Model Rockets 2 Dec 2011Eric Vogt2014-01-182013-07-09
A lucky camera shot. The parachute malfunctioned and was blown out of the model rocket tube. The rocket landed about 3 feet away on the fins. A perfect landing!
DeeCee Thunder at Woosh Sod Farm Launch 6/4/2011brupp531502011-08-192011-06-04
Woosh Rocketry "Day of Thunder" launch featuring DeeCee Thunder models. This one is powered by a D12-5. It needs a shorter delay, but still a fun flight.
Der Red Mix FAIL - Flip MinoHD survives high-power rocket crash to tell the talegizza22011-09-222010-08-19
I flew this scratch-built, high-power, cluster rocket for the first time on 8/14/10. This was supposed to ground start a Cesaroni K500 Red, wait 1 second, then air-start 2xI345 White Thunder motors. ...
Deuces Wild Goal!chuckpo2011-06-172009-10-11
Launch of a FlisKits Deuce's Wild with a keychain camera onboard, but only one motor lit. Good thing the soccer net caught it...
Discovery 2001 7 May 2011PamelaG442011-08-192011-05-08
Another video of the Discovery, love it popping its load at the end! Dave Gilmore video
Ed's Experimental 10" Dia Rocket Onboard Video Flight #1jcapzz2011-06-032010-10-14
7.5' 10" diameter rocket with F42-4 engine. Onboard camera. Parachute failed to deploy nose damaged upon impact. Rocket is a DIY design and built using Dupont .25" foam exterior siding insulation.
ESL90 Rocket launch-The SaveVooDooRocketry2011-06-202007-12-23
Jerry O's unexpected save of his 3 motor Nike after last rites had been administered.
estes black diamond does not leave launch padBeerorkid2014-01-182012-12-29
estes black diamond does not leave launch pad.
Estes Crossfire XSI Failuretallen7022011-07-022010-01-11
This is a fantastic example of why you should always double-check your gear before launching a rocket. I had placed the safety cap and streamer on the guide rod prior to launch in an effort to check ...
Failure of 4.5 inch solid rocket motor in flightaeroexperimental2011-06-172009-05-12
4.5 inch (114mm) diameter solid rocket motor with a D-slot grain fails in flight. The grain was recovered and the cause of the failure was over pressurization of the motor case due to the D-slot ...
Failure to Launchjurvetson2011-06-032010-10-11
Various large rocket mishaps at BALLS 19, from a slow-mo collapse to a bucking rodeo rocket. Black Rock Desert, Nevada.
Gerald's 54mm L Rocket At Balls19JamesJD32011-05-302010-10-01
Failure do to forward snap ring.
Helicat IIdennisjzim2011-06-222010-07-26
Estes Helicat, C6-5 chute detached. Vintage 90's rocket. 808 keychain cam.
HPRocket flies ballistically out of control!53rockets2011-06-232009-10-18
This rocket flew out of control during the premier Oktoberfest launch in Northern Colorado. This was part of the Northern Colorado Rocketry club (NCRocketry.com). The rocket was an oversized "Mean ...
L3 or Shred - Sam's NAR L3 Certification Attemptsfineberg2012-03-152012-03-08
Flight of Sam's Gizmo XL on a CTI M2250 and the resulting CATO (catastrophic motor failure). The motor failed due to a weak liner which caused the aft (nozzle) end of the casing to burn through. The ...
L3 rocket catochrislapanse2011-06-042010-05-31
Cato of my L3 rocket on a K1440 White Thunder motor from CTI
Launch and crash of the rocket "Speedweiser" on MIR 2010 on Aerotech L 2200-GIvanBonic1232011-07-042010-09-15
"MIR 2010" in Italy, 11.07.2010., "Speedweiser" rocket, L=270cm, D=500mm, m=30 Kg, Aerotech L 2200-G motor, total impulse 5104Ns, apogee = 800m
LDRS XXX 30 - Green Rocket Explosion - Argonia, KS September 5, 2011z33k6662011-10-222011-09-12
Rocket Name: Safety Rocket - 22 feet tall, 16" diameter, ~400 pounds on the pad, Built By: The Insane Projects Group from (mostly) Nebraska, Motor: Central P that let go 2.3 ...
Level 1 Certification FailureGenoKatz42011-07-022010-10-11
My level 1 certification. Madcow Patriot. I ran it on an H-180. But the spacer i borrowed from someone was faulty and didn't hold the motor in place. In turn, the motor shot right through the top ...
Little Indian N10000 Vmax CATOjeffmensch2011-06-202010-05-02
A minimum diameter carbon fiber rocket on an N10000 Vmax motor. Launched on April 18, 2010 at the Three Oaks launch held by the Team 1 rocket club. It had a spectacular CATO about 500 feet in the ...
M4770 CATO - Intimidator-5jamesfdougherty2011-09-222010-06-07
Performance Rocketry Intimidator-5 flying with an M4770 which CATO's right after lift-off. Fincan and payload section recovered, rocket will fly again.
Marsboy's 2 Stage Rocket Launchkrustyclown422011-06-242009-05-23
Marsboy's 2 stage rocket flying on an Estes D12 & E9 at the Dandenong Wetlands on May 23, 2009. The booster was quite tight into the base of the sustainer and didn't drop away immediately during ...
Model Rocket Gone Bad With Onboard CameraNinjaAlien1002011-07-092010-12-08
Quest Astra III
Naram 52 06 06 Mark Wise L1 Cert Attempt ICBM Launch Naramlive comnaramlive522011-06-252010-08-05
New Years Day 2010 MMAR Rocket Flight of the N-1PamelaG442011-10-092010-01-02
On New Year's Day 2010, at the MMAR launch field (Muskegon County Wastewater Treatment Facility), Matt Johnson flew his latest incarnation of the Russian N-1 Rocket, complete with launch tower. It ...
Old Rocket Prang Film Preview by George Gassawaygeorgegassaway2011-06-202007-09-08
Preview from old Model Rocket Prang (crash) films shot by George Gassaway in the 1970's. These were accidents, do not try to emulate them.
On-Board model rocket video--dual "E" engine cluster!!ABbuggin2011-08-202010-03-21
This is a scratch built Sidewinder style model rocket flying on a pair of Estes "E" motors. The flight is quite exciting and at one point, incredibly realistic looking!
PhilSCA Model Rocket 3/4mRmapaglaro2011-07-022009-07-26
Trial and Error film Documentation that was accured on our first Trial test in imus Cavite.
Red Glare 8 MDRA VIII 2010 - CATO in Slow Motion - 240FPSyonkf2011-06-032010-04-20
Red Glare 8 - MDRA Launch - V2 CATO in slow motion
Rocket Explosionjcara172011-06-032010-07-27
This is my PML AGM-600 Pit Bull painted like an F/A-18 from The Blue Angels. It was originally supposed to be in memory of Lt. Cdr. Kevin Davis who died in an Air Show back in 2007. Now the rocket ...
Rocket Shred in Pueblo, COgeneralripper19642011-06-222008-11-15
High Powered rocket on a J motor falls apart in mid flight.
Scorpion Staging Failure w/onboard videoliquidtesla2011-08-312010-11-29
Vintage Estes Scorpion on a B6-0 to B6-6. Must have had a bad batch of B6-6's...had several failures. Luckily, the rocket (and camera) survived! Note the broken fin at the end.
Son of Godzilla - MDRA Red Glare 5Syclone28982011-06-042011-03-28
Flight on a N3600 experimental 12500 n/s core motor, with 3 experimental 2000 n/s K700 airstarts. 12" diameter, 120 lb. rocket reached 7500' with perfect recovery.
Unbelievable High Power Rocket Launch with Underwater Onboard Video at Landing!jmomenee2011-06-262010-05-19
Launched at Varn ranch in Plant City, FL. "Cinema 6" scratch-built L2 rocket with J275 motor and Tender Descender main chute release device. Flight went perfectly until main chute prematurely ...
Unstable!!! Beer Bottle Rocket on Aerotech I115W Motor - CRMRCDWM2312011-06-282010-12-19
This is a scratch built 2 foot long Saranac Root Beer bottle rocket. Constructed from a plastic coin bank, it originally flew on a 29mm Aerotech G104 motor and everything was fine. This time it was ...
World's longest burning I300TIRrocketry2011-05-292010-05-05
At Tripoli Idaho Rocketry's launch on april 24th.
Bretts multistage homemade rocket disasterjsantos9162011-06-192006-12-15
Bretts spectacular multistage rocket explosion launch
Estes Big Daddy Rocket on C6-5 engines... Failinggerrynjr2012-03-092011-07-25
I did not have any D or E engines so I made a retrofit mount to use a C engine. Epic Failure...
HS240 - Johns Rocket Delta cato 07-11-10hartrockets2011-07-022010-11-07
John's hybrid rocket glider suffering a cato at EARS Rocket Club Meeting on 7th November 2010 - filmed on Fuji HS10 camera at 240fps
Multistage issueMicrospeed9722011-09-292010-03-29
Loki I405 staging to an Aerotech H210. First stage motor failure caused the motor to burn out both ends, separating the stages while under thrust. Upper stage fell down to the ground, at which point ...
Safety Rocket Go BoomAusRocketry2012-01-252011-09-20
Safety Rocket on a P5,466 and 3 x L motors at LDRS30.
Yellow Jacket Land SharkTomB06672011-09-162010-07-12
YouBee Premature Ejectionrocketreviews2011-05-292010-11-25
An onboard camera records the ejection charges going off on the launch pad.
2 stage Estes rocket crashtruebob5552011-06-172008-01-15
2 stage Estes rocket crash
Andrew's 15 motor cluster rocketVooDooRocketry2011-06-192007-11-01
15 motors to light at once off the pad, the motor part worked so well they exceeded the speed of the vehicle. Seen at Red Glare 3 at MDRA.
Apogee Aspire on G77Rgetabetterpic2011-06-202007-10-31
This is what happens when a rocket goes supersonic and isn't built perfectly.
ATC 2000 Rocket Ride with Free FallLaneKG2011-09-042007-06-03
My PML AMRAAM 4 was launched on a J350 at the June 2nd 2007 SEARS launch with a ATC 2000 camera on-board. Due to the mounting I used it flew off at 1900 feet. See what happens.
Blown Nozzle on rocket at LDRS XEmophiliac22011-06-222006-10-27
This launch attempt occurred at LDRS X in 1991, at the Black Rock desert in Nevada. It looks like the nozzle blew out on the motor, so a lot of thrust is lost. This video also shows what NOT to do ...
Boomerang Rocketbguffer2011-06-032008-12-26
Boomerang rocket. Couldn't do this on purpose, if i tried... Note the rocket comes back to the "pad", and then wraps itself around the launch rod. 2 motor cluster rocket launch. One motor did not ...
Close call crashcpaul28162011-05-292006-11-05
Amateur High Power Rocket Crash
Cluster Rocket of 5 "E" engines and 1 "C", (with a rough landing!)HarmlessKittyWithUzi2014-01-172013-01-02
A custom cluster-engine model rocket flight of 5 Estes "E' Engines and 1 Estes "C" Engine. The flight went well, but the coming down was a different story. D...
ESL 78 Kevin's V-2 CATOVooDooRocketry2011-06-222006-07-02
After months of building and preparation anticipation was high for Kevin's beautifully prepared V-2 rocket. In .1 second it was all a pile of wreckage with nothing salvageable. And to the motor ...
Experimental Rocketryjetmanflyhigh2011-06-172009-06-24
10V Rocket flight 3, objectives met or exceeded: Smaller fin set to decrease flex and add stability/ 90 degree set. Determine if 1 percent Iron oxide added to KN0/SB, would yield higher, cleaner ...
Failure of 2400 lbs thrust rocket motor in flight at Balls 2005aeroexperimental2011-06-172009-05-12
Flight test of a 6 inch diameter 2400 lbs thrust solid rocket motor. Rocket weight at takeoff = 145 lbs. Motor was designed for a two stage 220 lbs rocket, but rocket was not ready in time and a ...
German V-2 Model Rocket with 8000-lbs of thrustbrettc12011-06-172009-09-11
Launch site in Orangeburg, SC by a model rocket club that meets on a 1-mile diameter sod farm. These guys are SERIOUS about their rockets and this 450-lb super-size model was the prize of the day. ...
Heads Up & Dog Pack 2 stage Balls18FireHoundProductions2011-06-222009-10-15
Hillbilly Rocketry from Arizona put up this Beer Keg Rocket for the competition between Umerg, Team Numb, and Hillbilly Rocketry. Also, at the end of the video, is a launch of Marty Weiser's 2 stage ...
High-Power Rocket Crash (onboard video)DTHRocket2011-06-252008-07-12
Altocumulonimbus 2 G77-10Rs Unsuccessful cluster ignition Only one motor ignited The rocket was completely destroyed The payload bay was obliterated But the electronics were fine. Altimeter ...
Just another rocket catoVooDooRocketry2011-06-032009-11-12
Just another oops at the field.
Large high power 2 stage rocket launch 2vahpr2011-06-282008-09-26
This was the ill-fated inaugural flight of the big Nike Smoke 2 stage. It was raining confetti....
LDRS 28 Black5vinione12011-06-192009-07-31
LDRS Seismic 2010 Crashsonar1002011-05-292010-06-15
Seismic rocket launch at LDRS 29 at Lucerne dry lake, California June 13, 2010. 29 pound rocket on a L850. The main chute charge went off at 500 feet, but the charge was not strong enough to eject ...
LDRS: Flying Port-O-PottyScienceChannel2011-06-192010-08-12
What happens when rocket enthusiasts take a construction site Port-O-Potty, attach it to explosives and light a fuse? For more, visit science.discovery.com
Model rocket fails - explodes at campMoreno7122014-01-182012-12-28
Hanging out launching some model rockets into the air after a nice morning ride around Ocotillo Wells.
Model Rocket High & Low Power Estes Launch Pad Crashskrinkaman2011-06-052007-03-16
Model Rocket High & Low Power Estes Launch Pad Crash
NERRF2 Rocket motor problemsVooDooRocketry2011-06-222006-06-28
It was our day in the pickle barrel as the rocket motor gasses leaked from the forward end of the motor pushing the payload section off at high speed. The booster continued on, both sections landed ...
Nokia N8 Producers: What happens when you strap a Nokia N8 to a rocket?palmsolo2011-06-032011-01-16
I grew up wanting to be an astronaut and thus got into model rocketry when I was a young boy. As you can see in this video I still have quite an assortment of rockets and launched a few of them ...
P rocket motor CATO at BALLSaeroexperimental2011-06-222009-05-12
A 6 inch diameter "P" solid fueled rocket motor has a Catastrophic Failure at Takeoff (CATO) at the BALLS launch Black Rock Desert, Nevada
PROJECT 463loakjoe2011-06-222008-07-28
Chuck Sackett's unbelievable 42' tall, 1200lb rocket 'PROJECT 463' flown at LDRS-XIV / FireBALLS-005 Black Rock Desert, Nevada.
Rippin' The Fins Off A Rocketaaupton2011-06-232006-09-08
The Fins Shred off a 12 foot tall high power rocket flying on an N motor. It exceeds the fins ability to hold up. The fins waive at you, bend around and then fly off in real time as the rocket ...
rocket almost hits carairgunsniper2011-05-292008-01-04
This is a video from the NEFAR site of a rocket that was launched but the ejection charge didn't work and it impacted like a missile mere feet from someone's car
Rocket CATOVooDooRocketry2011-06-192006-05-13
14 foot ameteur rockets still use formulas generated by rocket scientists from more than 70 years ago. Break the rules of physics and pay the price. This is just one CATO from LDRS 23 in Geneseo NY, ...
Rocket CrashRyan82402011-06-032008-06-09
A large V2 high-powered model rocket takes off and comes down when its parachute fails to deploy, hitting the ground full speed.
Rocket Launch Mishapsmcglue2011-06-032006-05-14
A lot of things can go wrong when you filled a tube with hydrazine and set it on fire. A few examples from Vandenberg AFB, home of the semi-secret military space program. I have lots more.
Roy's V2 Rocket takes a plungebindairdundat2011-06-032007-02-06
Eclipserocketry's V2 Rocket takes a plunge, it was quarter scale and it flew in Cambridge (UK) at the East Anlian Rocketry Society launch site and both sets of electronics did not detect launch ...
Star Wars X-Wing Rocket Explosion - Break Failsbreak2011-06-182009-07-07
Failure to launch for a really expensive looking model Star Wars X-Wing Fighter.
Sugar Motor Drag Race (CATO)jadebox2011-07-022008-03-03
Jimmy Yawn and Marc Slabbinck drag race two sugar-motor rockets at the NEFAR launch on February 9, 2008.
TARC Practice Launch Goes Horribly Wrongingrahamrocketry2011-06-032010-03-19
Team Charlie goes to launch their rocket for a practice attempt on a beautiful day at Sixty Acres Park. Little did they know that the motor was about to CATO and fry the entire booster section of ...
Two M Motor Failures at LDRS XXaeroexperimental2011-06-222009-05-20
A solid fuel M Motor flies out of control randomly around the launch pad while spectators run and watch. It is immediately followed by a hybrid "M" motor rocket failure. The hybrid motor is a ...
Unstable "P" motor rocket flightaeroexperimental2011-07-132009-05-12
Large rocket has stability issues. Powered by solid fuel "P" motor
X-Wing Fighter Rocketboardinbrian2011-06-032007-10-07
A scale model of the STAR WARS X-Wing Fighter being launched out of the southern California desert 10/06/07. Plaster Blaster 2007
X-Wing rocket disintegrates in flight - Interview and launchOdinOfValhalla2011-06-232007-10-08
This is the full length clip.
2-13-11 Bruce's F 36 Smokey Sam Heads For ChinaProfessorVonDart2011-06-242011-02-14
Partial Engine Failure in our club web designers rocket resulted in this hilarious clip. Later in the day Bruce had a succesful launch and recovery with this same rocket none the worse for wear.
Aerotech Initiator CATOspopes2011-06-242008-04-23
O-ring fails on Aerotech Initiator with loaded "G" engine.
CMASS Model Rocket Launchnwunit2011-06-262007-08-22
At an event hosted by the Central Massachusetts Spacemodeling Society, rocket enthusiasts launched about 200 model rockets in Acton Aug. 18.
Golden Scout Launch #1096 (Outtakes)jadebox2011-05-292008-08-31
Bloopers from the filming of the Golden Scout video.
High power rocket explosionrocketscience542011-06-032008-06-14
This was an experimental motor. It didnt work like it was sopposed to. I guess thats obvious. I was about 100' away.
High Power Rocket. 54mm diameter Rocket ShredTheBayourat2011-06-252007-01-07
This is the flight of my 54mm rocket on a Aerotech K1100 Blue Thunder motor. The rocket shreds at Mach 1.5
LDRS Patriot Launch an an O Motorrattmanndoo2011-05-292010-06-16
Model Rocket Crash Estes Glider Home Madeskrinkaman2011-06-172007-03-16
Model Rocket Crash Estes Glider Home Made
Model Rockets Faildmbernasconi2011-07-052009-07-29
A series of small model rockets that didn't always go as planned. A few of the rockets are "Solar Flare" the gold rocket, "Teal Torpedo" the tall black rocket with teal writing, and others that ...
NSL 03 Rocket launch messVooDooRocketry2011-06-192007-01-21
There are a lot of ways for rockets to fail, here's another. The dreaded blown forward closure. It pretty much fries the inside of the rocket
Rocket Launch Explosionzanhecht2011-06-032006-04-05
The failed launch of my first high-power rocket. After the launch, I found out that the o-rings in motor burned through, and hot gasses shot up through my rocket. This not only set fire to the lower ...
snow ranch 12/3/11 high power motor failurebob5054702011-12-072011-12-04
12/3/11 rocket cato
Awesome Rocket CrashTarStarFilmz2011-07-132010-04-21
I recorded this in August 09 at NARAM 51 in Pennsylvania. The rocket was unstable and launched right towards the audience.
My scale scratch built Astrobee-D. Maiden flight on an H128 White Lightning. This is what happens when you forget one of the o-rings in the motor. LUNAR Snow Ranch launch, 01-05-13.
06.14.2010 Rocket Failurescsager2012-06-292010-06-15
This is a Clone of a LOC-Precision Forte. The motor is an Aerotech G40-4w Single Use. (old - purchased in 2003) This motor has a ring of 29mm Motor tube epoxied to the end to act as a motor block. ...
1/3 scale Model X 15 Launch, Epic Fail, Plaster Blaster 2009rsduhamel2011-11-192009-11-08
November 7, 2009, Plaster Blaster rocket meet at Plaster City, CA. This is a 1/3 scale X-15 with two Cessaroni Pro98 M2505 motors.
Shortest flight of the day! SARG Launch, February 18, 2012.
18mm Art Applewhite saucer CATOkrustyclown422011-06-222008-05-09
18mm Art Applewhite CATO
2008-06-14 NEFAR - Big Daddy Akavish CATOjadebox2011-07-022008-06-29
A CATO pops the head off the Big Daddy Akavish at the June, 2008, NEFAR launch.
2009 Rocket Catastrophes at Northern Colorado Rocketry53rockets2011-06-262010-05-10
This video shows some rocket catastrophes that occured on the Pawnee Buttes.
2nd rocket flight with camerabrkyle2011-06-262011-06-13
Estes Amazon with 808 camera powered with C6-3 engine. Lost fin assembly mid flight, chute did not deploy.
Aerotech Initiator Failneond72012-09-192012-02-22
First (and last) flight of my son's Aerotech Initiator. The motor chuffed for a few seconds before generating enough thrust to clear the pad, but it arced to the right, had a nice bonus delay, and ...
Aerotech Mustang CATO Ground Level and onboard videoEeeebeeeE .2014-01-182013-01-02
Delay charge of a CTI G80 fails and the rocket deploys early. Little damage to the rocket other than cosmetic. It needs a new paint job anyway.
Airy D12 to C6 lawn darttonypv582011-09-022010-11-07
Another One Bites the Dust CCA Rocket Teamauburngeekgirl2011-06-252011-01-27
CCA TARC Rocket team 2011 CATO #2. After one successful launch with our new re-loadable motors, our second flight was less then perfect. Boy I wish I had that one on film. Our third flight was not ...
Another One Bites The Dust with Rockets..wmvgeneralripper19642011-06-222011-05-08
On board rocket videos of rocket malfunctions such as separations and failure of parachutes to fully deploy. Many rockets are high powered and reach high altitudes. No persons were injured and no ...
Bad day at North BranchFireHoundProductions2011-09-222010-06-07
Two certification flights gone terribly wrong on the same day.
BBVA and Catoszapjolt2011-07-022010-11-09
Fun with rockets. When the Black Brant catoed it blew out the nozzle and sent two fireballs whizzing past my head. The second E9 cato in Jeromes rocket blew out the top of the motor and the grain ...
Beer Keg Rocket Crashes at BALLS 2011aeroexperimental2011-10-202011-10-03
Big Daddy Disasterwainzwhirled2011-08-242011-01-26
Oops! I left the eye protector stuck on the launch rod. Conseqently the Estes "Big Daddy" took the launch pad up with it when it took off. It did a slow arc then headed directly for the vid ...
Big Model Rocket Explosion At Launch - CATOjvarric2011-10-022011-09-26
Big Rocket Explodes! 1/3 Scale Model Mercury-Redstone 3 Blows Up At Launchspacearium2011-05-292010-04-30
At LDRS-18 (Large and Dangerous Rocket Ships) in Argonia, Kansas in 1999. This was the annual national rocket launch for the Tripoli Rocketry Association. The largest amateur rocket project was a ...
Black Max Lawndart.AVIFrankenvideo12012-09-192010-08-18
This rocket was built from pieces of an Estes Amazon in a starter kit, based around a BT56 tube and with balsa fins scaled down from a Der Red Max template. This launch was B6-0 with B6-4 sustainer. ...
Brian's EX L600 Hybrid Rocketjeffmensch2011-05-292010-04-24
Brian Brodersen's "Rocket of a 1000 Corpses" was launched on April 16, 2010 at the Three Oaks launch held by the Team-1 rocket club. The rocket was constructed from the leftover remains of many ...
Callicoon 9/2010 - RocketsI11OO2011-07-022010-09-12
Model rockets launched at Callicoon, some CATO.
Catastrophic rocket flight
CATO at Metraschuyler0072011-06-262010-06-12
An M powered rocket CATOs at METRA.
CATO at Winchester, INheadstrong522011-12-072011-11-26
CATO of a rocket at SCAM Launch in Winchester, IN
CATO during the maiden launch of my Estes Hi-Flierbrianewsu2011-11-192011-10-01
my newly built Estes Hi-Flier experienced a CATO (Catastrophe At Take Off) on its maiden flight. The reason was the failures of the CA Gel adhesion between 2 of the laser cut balsa fins and the ...
Contrail J catorocketkyle2011-06-222008-05-04
John Storey's Expediter on a Contrail J. May 3, 2008 HARA launch
Corkscrew at AIRFest 18SDM19752012-09-192012-09-05
Corkscrew cato
Cosmostrator 7 May 2011PamelaG442011-08-192011-05-08
Matt Johnson's Cosmostrator, modified for one launch rod. Matt previously tried a three launch rod construction, but it was too difficult to align the rod, so Joe Mosher of SMASH suggested he modify ...
Crashing HAWKgeneralripper19642011-06-222010-06-20
Scale model of a HAWK Missile being launched at National Sport Launch (NSL 2010). The Center of Gravity (CG)/Center of pressure (CP) must not have been in the proper relationship with each other. It ...
CTI J354 CATOchrisdreher12012-05-102012-04-18
Daisuke Sakais 4 inch project failure at XPRS 2010 M1315Mysticlambo2011-09-042010-10-24
Video by James Lloyd. Bluetube coupler failure leads to flight failure. XPRS2010
Delta 2theluigiteam5432011-11-062009-11-10
DART/Tripoli-San Diego's 1/9th scale model of the Delta 2, launched at Plaster Blaster 8 on 11/8/2009.
Delta Launch - Plaster Blaster 2009sesdiego2011-06-272009-11-15
The Delta Project, 1/9th scale model of a McDonnell Douglas/Boeing Delta 2, lifts off from the Tripoli San Diego launch site, November 8, 2009. The flight was not totally successful. The clear ...
Demise of the BDRJMZawodny2011-05-312011-03-06
This is what happens when you try to launch rocket with a 38mm CTI motor and forget to screw it into the metal motor case!
DHARMA Initiative rocketninjabortion2011-08-192011-06-27
More fun to watch than the final episode of Lost :P
Disaster Onboard a High Power Rocketrockytysonrocketman2012-04-152010-06-28
This was my CAR Lvl. 2 attempt at Roc Lake 12 in June 2010. I am/was flying a dual deployment modified BSD 38 Special on an Aerotech I284W. The flight was perfect and straight up but as it ...
CATO of a 20+ year old E15-8, in slow-motion, at dusk. 3 of the 4 motors we had died like this; one worked perfectly and the rocket went really high, higher than with an E9.
Estes Eagle CATOjadebox2011-05-312008-05-04
An Estes motor CATO is captured at 1200 fps in this high-speed video.
Estes Interceptor E CrashGrimracer12011-10-052011-02-21
Estes Mercury Atlas Rocket Disaster Slow Motionharmsworth12011-06-252011-06-16
Maiden Voyage goes badly. I used the stick on parachute line holders from the kit. Every single one of them failed on the main chute and half of them failed on the capsule chute. Watch the video til ...
Estes model rocket crashConnor Mcgrath2014-01-172013-06-25
We are flying the cheap Estes helicopter nose cone rocket on a c6-5 engine. Things didn't end up to well.
Estes Saturn V with E20-4 UnstableDgardei2011-11-192011-06-17
Launch my new Estes Saturn V with an Aerotech E20-4W. Rocket immediatly went horizontal and landed in the ditch across the road.
Estes V2 F30-4FJ CATOMarcusGoodwyn2012-12-132012-12-03
The first (and last) flight of my modified Estes Maxi Brute V2 on an AeroTech F30-4FJ. The motor blew it's forward closure as the rocket moved up the launch rod and then proceeded to torch and melt ...
Exploded View LDRS 30.MPGjshuster422011-10-092011-09-21
Failed Cluster Launch: Big Red Max and 3x B6-4 enginesFrankenvideo12012-06-292010-09-05
First attempt at a cluster launch. 3 Estes B6-4 engines ignited by Quest Q2G2 ignitors. All three ignitors fired (via Estes launch controller) but only one engine caught. Next time, crowd will be ...
Fat Boy CATO Flightsmnrocketry2011-06-032010-03-20
Attempted C11-3 flights of a modified Estes Fat Boy model rocket with onboard video camera. Both flights ended early with a motor malfunction.
Flight of the Great Pumpkin 7May2011 DMG video.AVIPamelaG442011-08-192011-05-08
Actual flight of the Great Pumpkin, AKA Pumpkin pie after this flight! LOL
Jerry's 2nd attempt at flying his Wolverine.
Frank's potato launching rocket - Physics Club Spring 2010kittycat54882011-06-252010-05-25
Frank (Scott) built a rocket that took four D engines and was supposed to launch a potato. After two or three failed attempts, it finally launched, only to go crazy and head straight for a pavilion. ...
Frick n' Frack Crack UpRocketTCoyote2011-06-172010-07-30
My Fliskits two-stage Frick n' Frack augers in after staging at the Alpena CRTC athletic field. Ouch!
Full-scale Phoenixguytogo752011-11-052011-11-03
Full-scale Phoenix missile flying on an O impulse motor. This was hard to watch.
Great Rocket Launch with wild endingfederalism2011-06-192007-02-01
Rocket goes up and lands back down on the ground,,,,about 3 inches into the ground
Gus Piepenburg's Headless crossMannyskid162012-09-192012-09-02
A 65 pound rocket that shredded on an N5800 c* 9/2/2012
Harvey, the rocket powered chocolate rabbit!tdstr6662011-06-232008-03-21
A video I took in May 2007 of Wayne Johnson's plastic chocolate bunny converted to rocket power. Harvey has never been known to be *stable* :)
Hevous at Balls 19JamesJD32011-07-082010-09-29
Launch of the Hevous Q motor rocket at Balls 19 by Hillbilly Rocketry . Hevous team - Darrel Burris, Robin Blackford, Don Alexander, Jimmy Hussey, Bob Heninger and Jim Hussey. Motor failure due to ...
High power rocket parachute failurejmintalar2011-05-292007-07-30
Model rocket launch experiences parachute failure and ends resoundingly.
high power rocket videospkdrgn2012-02-022010-08-26
rocket flights from two different launches. One in Columbia MO. and the other in Elsberry MO.
High speed video (1000 FPS) of an Aerotech D21 CATOkijiki002011-06-032010-09-09
Aerotech D21 in a Quest Starhawk. A 2nd attempt was successful.
Honest John CATOchuteforthesky2011-09-162011-09-11
Illfated Flight of Jack O'Cooney Skeleton Rocketwharfrat1214862011-06-202010-12-05
Spokane Area Rocketry Club's October 2010 Launch. Jack O'Cooney Launched on an Aerotech I-284 White Lightning Motor
Interceptor Nose DiveCMGvsMTB2011-08-132011-06-19
Estes Interceptor on B6-4 (underpowered) takes a nose dive! Model has been repaired and has seen two successful flights since this happened.
KNO3 ROCKET LAUNCH EXPLOSION #1 5/11captainengine912011-08-132011-08-09
This is one of 4 scratch built rockets that were supposed to launch today but 3 of them CATO on the launch pad :-( still working out why
KNO3 ROCKET LAUNCH EXPLOSION #2 5/11captainengine912011-08-132011-08-09
This is one of 4 scratch built rockets that were supposed to launch today but 3 of them CATO on the launch pad :-( still working out why
Large Rocket Launches, then CATOMonkVidz2011-07-132011-05-01
Recorded on May 2, 2011 using a Flip Video camcorder.
Large V2 rocket crashes at LDRS XXaeroexperimental2011-06-222009-05-12
A large scale model of a V2 rocket has a scale like flight during LDRS XX at Lucerne Dry Lake, CA.
Last Flight of the LOC Magnumrekrapmij2011-06-202011-02-16
Flight, airstart, early ejection, and destruction of a LOC Magnum
Launch Video of my P-29 COBRA at NSL 2011launcheverything2011-08-282011-06-13
LAWN DARTING 101michianarocketry2011-10-052010-12-06
LOC Onyx onboard video Lawndarthouseholdrocketry2011-09-022011-05-01
Lug hang-up Feb 12CanberraRocketry2012-02-122012-02-05
Guide lug failure on launch
M2250 C-Star CATOsfineberg2012-03-242012-03-05
This is my rocket, but the video was taken by adfgfds. It can also be seen on his youtube channel.
Malcolm's cracker "K" motor adapter failurehartrockets2012-06-292008-08-24
HD video of Malcolm's cracker rocket on a "K" motor when the motor adapter fails.
Matt Johnson's CosmostratorPamelaG442011-09-272010-05-08
The Cosmostrator, built by Matt Johnson, launched May 1, 2010 at MMAR. All the motors lit, but not at the same time, and this is the result.
Matt Johnson's Discovery 2001 RocketPamelaG442011-08-192011-05-08
Entirely scratch-built, resin cast model of the 2001 A Space Odessey ship, Discovery, launched (and crashed!) at MMAR Launch May 7th, 2011.
Matt Johnson's Santa Rocket FlightPamelaG442011-08-192011-05-08
May 7th, 2011 at MMAR launch, Muskegon, MI
Mike's K611 CATORocketMan89112011-08-082011-08-08
Mike Baileys Red Arrow on a K611 Blue that unfortunately CATO'd. But the damage to the rocket was that bad.
Mini HoJo SkywritingFrankenvideo12011-12-262011-11-24
MLAS lawn dart!michianarocketry2011-11-242011-02-05
Movie for Aerotech1.RayBogusz2011-06-252010-10-08
Video of exploding Aerotech reloadable engine.
MVI 1196georgegassaway2011-06-032011-02-20
My MovieUhoooh1232012-05-102012-04-16
My Movie3montaro4x42011-09-162011-09-14
N300 rocket launch CATOcrankyboris2011-07-132011-04-17
Flawed grain is the major suspect.
N300 Rocket Launch CATO Farshotcrankyboris2011-05-312011-04-17
The distant shot of the CATO
NEFAR Highest Altitude Competition: Bad Ignitionfelinion2011-06-232009-04-15
Bad Igniter
Nuke ProMaxx 1Grain F59 White ThunderZFamilyRockets2011-09-222010-06-15
Nuke ProMaxx 1Grain F59 White Thunder Propellant 623 Feet on May 31, 201 "Lawn Dart" I forgot to adjust the delay before black powder motor eject North Branch, MN Tripoli Minnesota High Powered ...
This video was uploaded from an Android phone.
Oracle - G80 Catodavidareese2011-06-192010-08-16
Gus Piepenburg's Oracle rocket on an Aerotech G80T at Tripoli Indiana's August 2010 launch. The motor blew by at liftoff.
My scratch built "Fat Pat", her first flight on an F12J. Her nose cone came out in mid flight, which caused the sky writing. She core sampled, the damage is pretty bad. SARG launch, 11/12/11.
Photon Disruptor FailsZFamilyRockets2011-05-312008-10-26
One rocket does not make it on a sunny day in North Branch MN during the Tripoli Minnesota Rocket Club October launch day.
PML Phobos on Congreve 180H60 FirestarterPigmasterRockets2012-01-242008-04-15
Flight ID 74 on 18th July 2004 Ejection charge igniter causing Roman Candle (burning the shock cord through), payload bay and nose cone dropped to the ground, airframe then went unstable but ...
Re: UCF Hybrid Rocket Test Fire4tamoore2011-11-182007-06-18
RATT H70 decomposition. This cato was caused by out-of-range N20 temperatures, and was not the fault of the manufacturer.
Research motor gone wrongAzoghlin2011-11-042011-10-29
Thought I made a longburn motor, but turned out I just manufactured a road flare
Robert DeHate - Bang.mp4dave92f12011-06-032010-10-07
Robert DeHate's HPR CATO. October 2, 2010, CMASS Pad C, Amesbury MA Looks bad, but the rocket was - shockingly - undamaged afterward. It's fiberglass, and strong.
Rocket CATOCalvertfilm2011-06-282007-09-17
Model rocket CATOstrophic launch. The Silver Comet is an Estes Retro kit. Looks wonderful. But not when the motor blows up inside! At least the second flight was ok later on.
Rocket Fail - 2 Stage D and E motorUNKPCRIDE2011-09-052011-09-05
Rocket TerminologyJimBassham2011-07-132011-01-07
Rocket with Camcorder - Ballistic Crash 2/5/2011allencoleman462011-06-222011-04-05
Video with sound of rocket with camcorder on board crashing from approximately 1500 feet due to parachute failure
Rocket with Camcorder - Plaster City 1/1/2011 - Motor Fireallencoleman462011-07-132011-04-04
Video with sound from camcorder attached to rocket that failed to launch due to motor fire caused by operator error in assembling engine.
Rockets Gone Wild - NEFAR Launchesjadebox2011-06-252007-09-30
Weird and wacky flights - mostly from one NEFAR launch.
Rogue launch and crushgrreeknick2012-04-032012-03-09
After a letter-perfect launch of my QModeling Rogue, a Mega-Retro Series "scaled up" model of a classic model rocket of the 1970s, I run the bird down and break its fin like a clumsy child.
Santa 7May2011 DMG video.AVIPamelaG442011-08-192011-05-08
Santa takes a header in this flight.....
Sather Ranum's legged landerMannyskid162013-06-192012-11-05
Sirius Rocketry Mid-Power Interrogator Blow OutSPP19672012-05-102012-04-16
Midwest Power 9, Princeton, IL, October 29, 2011. My trusty, well-used and awesome-looking (thank you Sirius) Interrogator took it's last (for now) flight on an Aerotech E18. I've assembled the 24mm ...
SkywritingRyan Smith2014-01-182013-09-29
Doing some skywriting with the sticker rocket on a D10-7 (Way to long of a delay), two other rockets as well, though I did not get rocket cam footage from th...
Steve Kendall's Squat on I117FJ - wipe out!
Starfighter at LDRS 29timdona2011-06-232010-12-11
Starfighter rocket at LDRS 29 has chute failure
Super DX3 CTI Over-pressure CATOKelsey Black2014-01-182013-08-11
Launch of a Madcow Super DX3 on August 10, 2013 at the Tri-Cities Rocketeers club launch (Pasco, WA), Cesaroni motor. Motor burns normally, then extinguishes...
The death of Nsanerocketmankevin2014-01-172012-05-02
The life and death of a 15 year old rocket. Final flight was at Red Glare XII on (1) N4000 ,and (6) K450's that were airstarted. Thanks to Nick J. Southern, ...
The Spool Crash - Slow MotionZFamilyRockets2011-09-222010-06-07
The Video Say's it all... Scott
Tims Mach Attemptjschubz2012-04-152012-04-02
Tom L370 catoTomB06672012-12-132012-12-04
Very short flight and destruction of my 54 mm saucer. The single use motor blew off the rear end. The nozzle and the casing rear had the tape thrust ring intact.
Ultimate Patriot CrashZFamilyRockets2011-08-192011-08-16
(2 on-board cameras) This launch was supposed to be all about dual deploy from a single payload compartment. No such luck. The center motor exploded out the top of the motor case, ejecting it's self ...
Used an E motor on a rocket built for a G..... oops!Azoghlin2011-09-202010-08-01
This video was uploaded from an Android phone.
V'ger 7May2011 DMG video.AVIPamelaG442011-08-192011-05-08
Matt Johnson's original design of V'ger from the Star Trek movie, alas, V'ger is no more.
Veeger - Aerotech K540W - CATO4FlyRockets2011-05-292011-05-12
A scratch-built model rocket named 'Veeger' from the Star Trek 1 movie. It flew on an Aerotech K540W which CATOed not long after leaving the pad. Flight occurred as part of the Muskegon Michigan ...
Wallace and Gromit Rocket Motor Failure 2 - 07-11-10hartrockets2011-06-202010-11-07
a great Wallace and Gromit rocket suffering a 2nd motor failure at EARS Rocket Club Meeting on 7th November 2010 - filmed on Fuji HS10 camera at 240fps, filmed just before sunset so video rather ...
What Really Happened to the Life Size X-WingKanefilms2011-11-192007-10-11
Finally - the unedited version of the footage. This fake news brought to from http://www.kanefilms.com
World's largest MonocopterVooDooRocketry2012-03-052006-12-24
Ed Miller owns the largest monocopter so far, burning a J to a J and finishing up with a K. It didn't behave as normal but it may have had something to do with the last scene.
WSGC Rocket Competition Launch 2brandance2011-05-312008-05-07
Second Attempt. This time, the rover got tangled in the nosecone line and landed hard upside down. So close...
X-15 Crash/Launch Plaster Blaster 2009Tritiumium2011-11-192009-11-08
The Large X-15 launch during Plaster Blaster 2009 Just outside of El Centro, California. Something didn't go right.
AIAA High Powered Rocket Launchseg95852011-06-172009-05-31
This was the launch attempt of the 2009 AIAA Young Professional LA Section (Team 2) rocket. The rocket was an 8-foot tall "Quasar" model using a K700 engine (700N avg thrust, 2400s impulse). The ...
Rick's LDRS 23 Rocket shredVooDooRocketry2011-06-192006-11-23
Rick's chinese Long March did what chinese Long Marches do......it disassembled.....it's why we love them...parts from wally world ;-)
Rocket CATOscrapisv2011-07-132011-06-27
rocket cato with onboard camera
Rocket Plane Failure to launchf86esabre2011-08-172011-08-14
Video says it all
High Power Rocket looses stability flying on an "I" motor53rockets2011-06-192010-07-21
This rocket flew on an 'I' class motor before loosing stability and flying out of control. - NCRocketry - A Crews Control Production
model rocket launch gone wrongChristopher75692011-06-192008-06-05
Half way into the flight it starts spinning.

What You Can Do