| Experimental Rocketry (2011-06-17)      10V Rocket flight 3, objectives met or exceeded: Smaller fin set to decrease flex and add stability/ 90 degree set. Determine if 1 percent Iron oxide added to KN0/SB, would yield higher, cleaner burn rate. Rapid ignition of fuel using12V battery directly at launcher via relay..Idea from Tom Sanders..thanks! Launcher ignited engine as soon as button was pressed. Co-Pilot v2.0 Dual deployment, from Missile works, fired early... just one sec after motor burnout, causing chute separation and subsequent rocket body impact resulting in extensive damage. Designer of altimeter says my rocket most likely experienced a high speed shock wave right after motor burnout, which set the altimeter off. Further, it was noted that setting the 'Mach delay' at motor burnout and a few seconds after would allow altimeter to disregard this temporary shock wave, elimenating premature ejection.
 | Rocket almost crashes , caused by this strange lizard?? (2011-06-15)      This rocket was just flown a few days prior without any problems. As soon as it launched, however, it was evident that something was definitely wrong with the fins, they were not providing proper stability. This rocket was equipped with two on board video cams and you can clearly see the stability issues as soon as the rocket leave the launch pad. reviewing the camera data, you can see a long white object near the tail and also a strange squealing can be heard. Noticed just after the rocket lands, on the aft cam view, the same white arm with small spikes on it immediately tries to retract under the rocket. When I got home, I was so busy looking at the cam data, I didn't noticed until 2 hours later, the lizard like animal with a long spiked claw like arm on it...sticking halfway out, from a hole in my rocket! I leave my garage door cracked open during the day, perhaps it came in trying to next in my rocket. Regardless, it must have had one heck of a ride in my rocket..I only wish it were still alive. It seems to have been cooked partially from the extremely hot rocket engine exhaust. I'm wondering if this animal perhaps pulled on a fin, or caused instability by sticking his claw out etc..which then caused my rocket to start turning wildly in the air, thus..causing the flat side of the fins to be more exposed to the high speed winds, which finally ripped two of them off completely??
 | Rockets Experimental Tripoli cert 2 attempt 20 Feb 2010 (2011-10-05)      Tripoli rocketryTampa Florida Cert 2 attempt 20 Feb 2010 Experimental Rocket
 | Tripoli Cert 2 flight TTRA Tampa, Florida (2011-05-31)      Aug 21, 2010 Tripoli Cert 2 flight, 2nd attempt. Previous cert 2 flight attempt flew excellent with great recovery, post flight inspection, however, revealed the lower fin can/body coupler had failed and would require repair to be flight worthy. Aerotech J800T-L 1.6 sec burn Rocket wt 15 lbs w/engine fuel wt 1.3 lbs/Bates 3 segment pushed her up to 4500 ft from sea level ...per Public Missiles alt V.2 Rocket is a scratch built I've flown many times on KN03/SU/SB. Tripoli Cert1 and 2 now achieved with this rocket.
 | Tripoli Level 1 Cert flight Sept 19, 2009 (2011-06-28)      My level 1 Tripoli Rocket certification flight...successful on Saturday Sept 19, 2009 TTRA is the Tampa Bay prefecture (#17) of the the Tripoli Rocketry Association. Our mission is to provide a safe and exciting environment for the pursuit of High Power Rocketry. Come on out..and have a Blast! www.ttra.ws A big shout out to Justin, for being a great assistant and future rocketeer. : )
 | V14 Rocket Launch, Tripoli Cert Level 3 (2012-08-24)      Cert 3 Rocket Launch 2nd attempt, Jun 17, 2012 Tampa, Florida. 11,000 feet at 920 mph or 1.2 mach Own design all PVC, no carbon fiber or fiberglass. Aerotech M1315 motor Launched at TTRA Tampa, Florida on Jun 17, 2012