Flight Log - 2015-02-23 - Ken E. Coyote's Monsters University Art Cup Rocket (Scratch Build)

Custom Cup Rocket similar to Up Cup design.  Uses a plastic cup and 24mm motor mount.  Tumble recovery.  I liked the Up Cup a lot, but wanted something more sturdy and able to take 24mm motors. 

Flight Date: 2015-02-23
Rocket Name: Monsters University Art Cup Rocket (Scratch Build)
Flyer's Name: Ken E. Coyote
Motors: D12-3
Expected Altitude: 700 Feet
Wind Speed: 10.00 mph
Actual Altitude: 800 Feet

D12-3 this time.  Good launch with rocket gaining good altitude with a slight spiral.  Ejection a short while after apogee.  Recovered about 70ft from pad; however winds were gusting at times in all directions.  Great rocket for winter since it's plastic and snow doesn't hurt it. :)

1Estes D12-3


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