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PerfectFlite - Stratologger Component

The Stratologger is an electronic altimeter which audibly reports a rocket's peak altitude and maximum velocity after flight via a sequence of beeps.

The Stratologger has two outputs for deploying a small parachute at apogee to minimize drift and a larger 'chute closer to the ground to slow the rocket for a gentle touchdown. The main 'chute deployment altitude is adjustable from 100 feet to 9,999 feet in 1 foot increments with the computer interface or in 100 foot increments using switches on the altimeter.

During flight, the StratoLogger collects flight data (altitude, temperature, and battery voltage) at a rate of twenty samples per second and stores them for later download to a computer. The optional DT3U data transfer kit includes software for graphing and printing a wide range of characteristics including altitude and velocity. The StratoLogger is capable of recording flights of up to 100,000 foot altitude.

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