Decals: | Waterslide |
Diameter: | 1.64 inches |
Fin Material: | Balsa |
Length: | 28.00 inches |
Manufacturer: | Estes |
Model: | 1977 |
Power: | Low-Power |
Product Type: | Kit |
Production Years: | 1987-1990 |
Recommended Motors: | B4-4, B6-4, C6-3, C6-5 |
Recovery: | Parachute |
Skill Level: | 4 |
Status: | Out-Of-Production |
Weight: | 4.30 ounces |
Brief: This rocket is an 18mm single stage NASA-esque satellite booster that has a clear payload bay with satellite and parachute recovery, It is OOP. I found this kit on eBay and probably payed way too much for what I got, but I liked the looks of it. Estes rates it as a skill level 4 so that will make it, by reputation anyway, the most complicated rocket I have done yet. ...