Decals: | Waterslide |
Diameter: | 2.60 inches |
Fin Material: | Balsa |
Length: | 24.00 inches |
Main Body Tube: | BT-80 |
Manufacturer: | Estes |
Model: | 1970 |
Motor Size: | 24 millimeters |
Nose Cone Material: | Plastic |
Power: | Low-Power |
Product Type: | Kit |
Production Years: | 1987-1989 |
Recommended Motors: | D12-3, D12-5 |
Recovery: | Parachute |
Skill Level: | 2 |
Status: | Out-Of-Production |
Style: | Military |
Weight: | 3.60 ounces |
Brief: This is an OOP Estes Kit made from 1987-1989. I purchased it on eBay for 25 dollars. This is a four fin rocket that spoofs the V-2 with comical decals and witty descriptions like Der Fin Wiggler, Der Ender Vots Upper, and Der Lugsfer Launchen. Construction: The parts list is short including a nose cone, body tube, stuffer tube, retainer tube, spacer tube, launch ...
( Contributed - by Brian Mardirosain) Introduction: One of the few remaining Estes rockets I own that's in flyable condition. Thanks to Rich Pitzeruse for figuring out what the rocket was via chatting at ROL's conference . Simple, balanced lines and nice flight characteristics makes this rocket perfect when you want something a little bigger that still moves quickly off the pad with a ...