Decals: | Waterslide |
Diameter: | 1.33 inches |
Fin Material: | Balsa |
Length: | 29.50 inches |
Manufacturer: | Estes |
Model: | 2408 |
Motor Size: | 24 millimeters |
Nose Cone Material: | Plastic |
Original Price: | $14.99 |
Power: | Mid-Power |
Product Type: | Kit |
Production Years: | 2019- |
Recommended Motors: | D12-5, D12-7, E12-8 |
Recovery: | Parachute |
Skill Level: | 2 |
Status: | In-Production |
Style: | Sport |
Dee Waldron (November 13, 2019)
Nice rocket! So far I have built 2 of these (They seem to only be available through Hobby Lobby), and they both fly great on D12s and E12s. A couple of serious mods you might want to consider is 1) Add 3 small strakes to the upper half of the body to help forward stability. It does corkscrew rather badly without it. I glue them on inline with the 3 fins, each strake is about 2" long, 1/16 x 1/8 balsa strip. 2) I down sized the parachute to a Top Flight 15" nylon chute in neon orange. It's still plenty big enough and the rocket doesn't drift away so badly in a breeze! My onboard altimeter has registered flights above 1600'!
Dee Waldron, Camden AR