Diameter: | 2.60 inches |
Length: | 24.00 inches |
Manufacturer: | Estes |
Skill Level: | 2 |
Style: | Military |
One of the few remaining Estes rockets I own
that's in flyable condition. Thanks to Rich
Pitzeruse for figuring out what the rocket was via chatting at
conference. Simple, balanced lines and nice flight characteristics makes
this rocket perfect when you want something a little bigger that still moves
quickly off the pad with a D12. Offered between 1987-1989.
Nose Cone:
Estes PNC-80K, 2.6"x10"
Recovery System:
18" parachute with a larger-than-norm Estes
rubberband shock cord mounted to the front motor mount centering ring. Replaced
with nylon braided elastic mounted on the body tube in traditional Estes
Body Tube:
Estes 3090 BT-80, 2.6"x14"
Motor Mount Tube:
24mm, I'm guessing about 6" inches long.
Mounted to body tube via two white cardboard centering rings.
1/8 balsa, fairly soft 3.5" root chord
2" tip chord 5 1/8" leading edge 3 1/8" trailing edge
Launch Lugs:
Original 3/16" launch lugs, one in fin
fillet, other one is mounted 4" above.
Original paint job, I don't think I was trying
for the layered effect.
Certainly not the first flight of this rocket,
probably more like the 10th... First one caught on video
though. Moves out quickly, but not too fast to track on a D12-5 on the way to
500'. Would be a great demo rocket on a C5-3 or C6-3 on those calm days.
Brief: This is an OOP Estes Kit made from 1987-1989. I purchased it on eBay for 25 dollars. This is a four fin rocket that spoofs the V-2 with comical decals and witty descriptions like Der Fin Wiggler, Der Ender Vots Upper, and Der Lugsfer Launchen. Construction: The parts list is short including a nose cone, body tube, stuffer tube, retainer tube, spacer tube, launch ...