Descon Imperial Star Destroyer

Scratch - Imperial Star Destroyer {Scratch}

Contributed by Stuart Lenz

Manufacturer: Scratch
(Contributed - by Stuart Lenz)

Movie: Star Wars

Ship: Imperial Star Destroyer

For my first entry I decided to model an Imperial Star Destroyer from the movie Star Wars. While this is from an Epic Science Fiction Adventure, from the Greek story tradition, if it is not a tragedy, then it was a comedy. So because the heroes survive the epic, it must then be a comedy.

I have been planning for some time to convert a Puzz3D to a launchable rocket and had even started converting an Imperial Star Destroyer to fly on 3 24mm motors at one time. Downscaling the puzzle meant dividing all of the measurements by 6. This turned out to be a moderately easy paper shroud build. I started by cutting out the top and bottom hull shrouds, then folding and gluing them together to form the basic shape. I then cut from 1/16th inch balsa a center spine and glued it and a crossing member into the shroud hull. I then cut out rear hull from paper and measured for the three engine tubes. These were glued between to pieces of 1/16th inch balsa that fit the shape of the hull rear and slid into the rear of the other piece of the hull in the slot cut in the center spine.

The remaining work was to detail the hull with pieces of balsa and paper to construct the super structure and different thicknesses of paper to detail the top and bottom of the hull. A two-piece launch lug was installed with one piece attached to the ejectable engine pod and the other piece through the central bulkhead and out the bottom shuttle bay. The model was painted flat white and detailed with a black magic marker. Approximately ¼ ounce of epoxy was then placed into the nose to provide CP/CG stability.

The model was launch at the MASA October launch in Ossego Minnesota. Due to the windy conditions and the difficulty of getting the igniters to stay in the engines, the center engine did not ignite, but the model flew well on the outer two engines, ejected the engine pod and glided in for a landing.

USS Grissom (Flis Kits) Parts Used

  1. Instructions (Paper) 11.0*17.0”*3
  2. Shock Cord (Kevlar) 12”
  3. BT 6mm 14 ¾ * 3
  4. 1/16 Balsa 3”*6”
  5. 3/32 Balsa 3”*6”
  6. Kit Photo Sheet (Paper) 5’*16 ¼”
  7. 1/8” Launch Lugs 1” * 2

10. BT 7mm As Required.

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