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Scratch Hell Fire Original Design / Scratch Built

Scratch - Hell Fire {Scratch}

Contributed by James Harechmak

Manufacturer: Scratch
(Contributed - by Jim Harechmak - 07/07/05) (Scratch) Hell Fire

Single stage fiberglass mortar tube conversion.

This is a very simple 3FNC rocket, but the source of the componants is from a Great Grizzly Hell Fire mortar set. The body tube is a fiberglass mortar tube and the nose cone and boat tail are fuse covers from the 5 Break Festival Balls. Add the 24mm MMT, 2 centering rings, 3 plexiglass fins, and recovery system and it's a rocket.

The build was very easy and I had it finished in about 2 hours. First, I cut a 3/8" slice off the fiberglass tube and glued it with CA it to a fuse cover to get a nose cone. Next, I made 2 centering rings from some leftover Estes heavy card stock. Then I trimmed another fuse cover to use as a boat tail and cut 3 plexiglass fins. Then I epoxied it all together. To attach the fins, I had to trim the label so I could bond them to the tube. I also bonded a chunk of Kevlar® thread to the nose cone and body tube. A swing test showed I needed to add some weight to the NC for a stable flight.

(Scratch) Hell Fire


As of yet I havent flown the Hell Fire. I need to drive 2 hrs. to get to a hobby shop. I'll make a flight log as soon as I can.



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