| 2009 brown steve eves awesome saturn v (2012-05-18)      Shot in April of this year in Price Md. Steve Launched the worlds largest model rocket, and I had to video tape it.
 | 2009 brown steve eves awesome saturn v low res (2012-05-18)      Shot in April of this year in Price Md. Steve Launched the worlds largest model rocket, and I had to video tape it.
 | 2009 Falling with Style Contest Entry (2011-05-29)      This video is the making of the Falling with Style rocket for the 2008 Spaceship design competition. I had such a great time design, developing, re-design, experimenting and finally successfully flying this rocket - I had to share the experience with other rocketeers. This rocket flew on 3 - C6-3 engines. It developing this rocket I used 23 motors over the 11 flights in all kinds for weather. Thanks EMRR for challenging all us to improve our skills. I now know how to use some of the "bells and whistle" of Movie Maker. My son did the video recording and I created the video presentation shown here.
 | 2009 krawczyk level2 rocket certification (2011-05-29)      This video chronicles the Level 2 Certification of Tom and Ken Krawczyk. The highs...the lows...and everything in between. It took a lot of blood, sweat, and body tubes, so I hope you ENJOY!
 | 2010-goffena-large-video.wmv (2011-05-29)      TORC (www.torc703.org) held a two day launch in March 2010. Video contains some slow motion highlights of the first day. Captured using Casio EX-FH20 and Casio EX-FC100 cameras, at 210 frames per second. Top left Patriot level 3 attempt using a HyperTech M1040, by Peter B. Top right: Smokey's Pride by vendor Steve T of Wildman Ohio oh.wildmanrocketry.com Lower left: LifeSaver, powered by an Aerotech L1150R, by vendor Lee B or Merlin Missiles www.merlinmissiles.com Lower right: successful level 3 cert attempt, powered by an Aerotech M1297W, by Joe G of Slater's Hardware (hardware, strongman, homebrew, and rocket products) www.slatershardware.com
 | 2010_lfr.mp4 (2011-05-29)      EMRR 2010 Video Contest Entry
 | 2010_sostarich_meco_nsl.asx (2011-06-22)      This is onboard video taken at the 2010 National Sport Launch from a small (24") rocket that I designed and built, featuring functional strap-on boosters. The video is my original work. The rocket's name is "No Plans Past MECO".
 | AAW Dragonfly B2-5 (2011-05-29)      Launch Video for a Review: www.rocketreviews.com
 | AAW Dragonfly C6-3 (2011-06-16)      Launch Video for a Review: www.rocketreviews.com
 | April 2009 Jerry Little Mecury Atlas (2011-06-23)      Video that goes with a review at www.rocketreviews.com
 | Arizona Rocketry Gathering 5 (2011-06-27)      Video montage that I compiled from video that I recorded at the February 2008 rocket meet in Rainbow Valley, AZ (just SW of Phoenix.)
 | Ballistic Spiral (2011-08-16)      This mini-movie includes highlights of onboard video from a NYPower 12 launch of my Aerotech Initiator. The flight was short and eventful, with more than usual spin, and a bonus delay leading down to a low altitude, high velocity chute deployment. It's the only video I've done that lingers so long on the view of the clouds in the sky. The video equipment is a BoosterVision GearCam mounted as a pair of strapon pods. The camera is in one pod mounted near the top of the airframe. The battery is in another, mounted on the opposite side of the airframe. The motor is an AeroTech G33 reload. The receiving groundstation is the GearCam receiver with a home built patch antenna. An AIPTEK MPVR digital camcorder was used to record the flight data and accompanying ground footage. The initial flight arc, and moderate spin, are believed to have been due to some rod binding against the camera mount ties, combined with asymmetrical drag of the camera cable.
 | bassham 11 seconds (2011-05-29)      EMRR's Elevate 11 Contest Entry www.rocketreviews.com
 | Building Semroc Centurian (2011-06-23)      Building Semron Centurian: www.rocketreviews.com
 | Chasing Rockets in the Park (2011-05-29)      As part of the Elevate Eleven contest here on EMRR, we built 11 rockets in 11 weeks. Our initial intent was to launch them on or around July 4th. Well a month later we finally were able to get to the park for the big rocket launch. It just happened to be on a certain 6 year olds birthday. The film is a compilation of pictures and video from that launch. The permission to use the images and video of individuals seen in the film was given by adults, parental guardians, and rockets. www.rocketreviews.com
 | CMCA NASA Student Launch Initiative (2011-05-31)      These students are amazing.
 | Design this Spaceship Contest Entry (2011-05-29)      Design this Spaceship Contest Entry - Flight 3
 | DG&A Defender (2011-05-29)      Rocket Flight for article on EMRR: www.rocketreviews.com
 | EMRR - 10th Anniversary (2011-05-31)      Essence's Model Rocketry Reviews and Resources is now 10 years old. We ENHANCE the hobby! (www.rocketreviews.com)
 | EMRR 2010 Contest Entry (2011-05-29)      EMRR 2010 Contest Entry
 | EMRR Challenge 2009 - Remix.wmv (2011-05-29)      discovered EMRR in 2009 shortly after getting back into rocketry after a nearly 20 year break. The 2009 "Staged" Challenge intrigued me and gave me a direction for my new hobby. The deadlines and project goals motivated me to keep going and challenging myself. This video is a tribute to that year of effort and to the rocketry site I have come to plan my build schedule by. Jim Bassham
 | Estes Astrovision 1 (2011-05-29)      Astrovision flight for review on EMRR (www.rocketreviews.com)
 | Estes Astrovision 2 (2011-05-29)      Astrovision flight for review on EMRR (www.rocketreviews.com)
 | Estes Oracle Flight Video (2011-05-29)      Video for EMRR Review: www.rocketreviews.com
 | Expediter with a Booster Vision Camera (2011-06-20)      The following video is of my LOC Precision Expediter with a Booster Vision Camera. I flew it on a Aerotech H238 and it rocked! www.rocketreviews.com
 | Flight of the Snitch (2011-07-04)      The classic Estes Snitch filmed from a variety of angles. No Snitches were harmed in making this movie: www.rocketreviews.com
 | Funny Funnel 1 (2011-08-16)      |
 | Funny Funnel 2 (2011-05-29)      Video supporting review: www.rocketreviews.com
 | Galactica (2011-05-29)      This is a submission for the video contest. The video was taken by WOOSH President Scott Goebel. "Galactica", 5.5" diameter and 16 pounds, was scratchbuilt by Sather Ranum and is flying here on a J415, with a tethered main deployment. The rocket flew to approximately 2400', and the video shows the entire flight profile,launch to landing, including apogee deployment of drogue and tethered release of main at 700'. www.rocketreviews.com
 | Grizzley Behr 2 (2011-05-29)      Here is my meager entry in the video contest. This is my Grizzly Behr monocopter flying at MDRA's Eastern Shore ESL-120 launch. www.rocketreviews.com
 | Hammerhead and Prangle's Drag Race, Onboard! (2011-06-20)      Small Spy Camera launched in the Hammerhead, a rocket I designed souly for this camera. The Camera weighs less than 3/4 of an ounce, allowing it to be launched by even a C6 motor. This launch was on a D12. Wanting to make a cool video, I did a drag race with a rocket called Prangle's. Guess what I made it with! The launch was with Valley Aerospace Team, unfortunately, we just lost the field because of the zoning commision! But we will prevail! Enjoy and Happy Flying! www.rocketreviews.com
 | Heavenly Hobbies Backdraft NARAM Flight 1 (2011-06-20)      This is a E9/C11 with 6" fuse flight.
 | Heavenly Hobbies Backdraft NARAM Flight 2 (2011-06-24)      This is a E9/C11 with 8" fuse flight (excuse my hootin' and hollerin') www.rocketreviews.com
 | Inflight Sonic Shark (C6-7) (2011-05-29)      Flight video for Inflight Sonic Shark review on www.rocketreviews.com
 | Initiator Camera Rocket (2011-06-23)      This movie was with my LOC Initiator now fitted with a camera mount. The mount is made from a 12" long piece of LOC 2.5" tube with the camera friction fitted into a BT-50 that has been glued horizontally into the side of the LOC tube. The rocket has less spin then the Mirage did. The flight was great until the early delay allowed the rocket to go through the chute shroud lines and hung one up on the motor hook. I didn't know this when it happened, only that the rocket was coming down with a bad chute. Luck was with it as only one fin popped clean off and another had the fillets broken. The camera was fine. The rocket has since been repaired like new. It was a stroke of luck that the line that hung up was in the camera shot to actually show what had happened! www.rocketreviews.com
 | It's been a Hard Day's Landing (2011-06-23)      This is a Boostervision system being lofted by a scratch built 8 fin rocket using a BT-56 body tube. This flight uses a D12-5 motor. The camera nosecone and rocket body return on separate chutes. This rocket was built as a two stage configuration, but this flight is with the sustainer only: www.rocketreviews.com
 | Lane's Centuri Saturn 1B (2011-05-29)      Video for the Centuri review on EMRR (www.rocketreveiws.com)
 | Live Free or Launch Hard (2011-06-22)      We pay homage to one of the best movie trailers ever made... Live Free or Die Hard. The video clips are from a combined Tripoli/COSROCS/SCORE launch in Hartsel, Colorado on June 9-10 2007. And yes, we do have live buffalo on the range.
 | Los Alamos Chicken Flight 1 (2011-05-29)      Los Alamos Chicken for EMRR's Odd-Roc Contest: www.rocketreviews.com
 | Los Alamos Chicken Flight 2 (2011-05-29)      Los Alamos Chicken for EMRR's Odd-Roc Contest: www.rocketreviews.com
 | Madcow Scooter on F23 (2011-06-22)      A video of the 2nd flight of the Scooter at NARAM-50. See the review at www.rocketreviews.com
 | Man of Constant Sorrow (2011-05-29)      I am submitting an entry for the 2008 video contest. "I Am a Man of Constant Sorrows" is compiled from 2007-2008 footage at COSROCS, Tripoli Colorado Hartsel, Southern Colorado Rocketeers (SCORE), and TARC launches. The music is from the "O Brother, Where Art Thou" movie soundtrack published by Lost Highway Records. Go out an buy the CD. It's great stuff.
 | Midwest Power Fun (2011-06-16)      Video for my submission was taken at Midwest Power V. Midwest Power is a large regional launch held in Princeton Illinois during late October. The music is a remix of Vesti la Giubba - a famous tenor aria performed as part of the opera Pagliacci. I first heard this version on a promo for a pay-per-view wrestling event and immediately knew I had to use this for my next HPR video. Hope you enjoy. (www.rocketreviews.com)
 | Mills Level 1 Cert (2011-05-29)      This was my level 1 certification flight. The rocket is a BSD "38 Special" that is 6 inches longer than stock after some damage from a partially deployed parachute. The motor is an Aerotech H148R, which is a great low-altitude motor for this rocket. The flight took place on 2/17/07 from UROC's Pony Express Test Range into perfect weather. I completely redesigned my recovery harness after seeing how twisted it gets on the way down: www.rocketreviews.com
 | NERRF 2008 Gizmo Launch (2011-06-16)      A little (no so good) video of all the Gizmo's at NERRF4: www.rocketreviews.com
 | Nordic Meanie 60th Flight (2011-05-29)      Wow! 10 years of flying and it has reached its 60th flight! www.rocketreviews.com
 | Odd-Roc (p18) Gleason Entry (2011-06-20)      This was a "pop-a-lot" ping-pong ball shooter: www.rocketreviews.com
 | Outlandish Rocket Launch Video (2011-05-29)      Launch video for BOP contest at www.rocketreviews.com
 | PML Ariel at NERRF4 (2011-08-19)      Launch video for EMRR Review: www.rocketreviews.com
 | Ray Kings 2008 Design this Spaceship Entry (2011-06-20)      Ray Kings 2008 Design this Spaceship Entry... Ray calls it Falling with Style www.rocketreviews.com
 | RVC3 - Aerotech Mirage with Camera (2011-06-20)      This was the second flight of my Aerotech Mirage with a small 5in1 camera: www.rocketreviews.com
 | Senior Prank Rocket (2011-05-29)      Video for Scratch Article: www.rocketreviews.com
 | Soviet N-1 (2011-07-04)      This scale model of the Soviet N-1 moon rocket was created by the men and women of Tripoli San Diego (Prefect #5) and DART (NAR Section #317). This launch took place at Plaster Blaster in 2005. The rocket was 21 feet tall and weighed over 300lbs on the pad. I don't recall the details of the motor configuration. If you look closely you will notice a couple of things. The third stage had fold-out fins for stability, and there was a small D-powered fourth stage. Everything went according to plan, and our N-1 went higher than any real N-1 ever did. This was a spectacular event. The short clip at the end is the 10inch Thumper M drag race from the same Plaster Blaster.
 | Sunward Eruption Flight (2011-08-16)      Flight video for EMRR Review: www.rocketreviews.com
 | Sunward Interplanetary Shuttle Simulation (2011-06-23)      Simulation for review on EMRR www.rocketreviews.com
 | Swiss Army Launch Attempt (2011-05-29)      Video for BOP Entry on EMRR: www.rocketreviews.com
 | Tarnation Flaming Breakfast of Doom (2011-05-29)      Recyled Parts Rocket: www.rocketreviews.com
 | The Apollo Pad Abort Project (2011-05-29)      Gordon Agnello and I built scale models of NASAs Apollo Pad Abort Test vehicles which flew in the early 1960s. Our models fly on four D engines, arranged in the same canted tractor design as the original vehicles. This video is a short documentary of the original NASA project and our attempt to build flying scale models similar to the originals. www.rocketreviews.com
 | TKO Rocketry (2011-05-29)      This is a submission for the video contest. The video was taken by WOOSH President Scott Goebel. "Galactica", 5.5" diameter and 16 pounds, was scratchbuilt by Sather Ranum and is flying here on a J415, with a tethered main deployment. The rocket flew to approximately 2400', and the video This video is a TKO production for all of the rocketeers out there who've had one of those days where it all goes up in smoke. www.rocketreviews.com
 | TOGinator (2011-06-16)      Video for build article: www.rocketreviews.com
 | Trebuchet (2011-05-29)      This entry into EMRRs video contest is composed of onboard video from my rocket named Trebuchet, a clustered and staged black powder powered vehicle. Initial boost was provided by a central Estes D12, two A8s and two C6s. The sustainer was powered by one E9. The initial dizzying spin was the product of canted booster fins, a safety feature in case one of the outboard engines failed to light. The secondary spin of the sustainer was believed to be caused by slag buildup seen in the nozzle throat. Sorry, no music and the video editing isnt up to pro standards but I hope you enjoy it. www.rocketreviews.com
 | Two Stage Slow Motion Movie Camera Rocket (2011-07-04)      Flipper Two was a 4 inch dual deploy rocket with a Super 8 movie camera on board, and took many movies from 1995-1999. It was a two stager with outboards. The movie camera was rigged to run fast, so the movies play back in about 1/2 speed. The three flights in this reached 3600-4500 feet. Enjoy! www.rocketreviews.com
 | Xebec Kaku (2011-05-29)      Video for BOP Contest Article: www.rocketreviews.com
 | Xebec Kaku - G64 (2011-05-29)      Video for BOP Contest Article: www.rocketreviews.com
 | YouBee Premature Ejection (2011-05-29)      An onboard camera records the ejection charges going off on the launch pad.