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Rocketry Videos

Videos / Components / Electronics / Altimeters / Perfectflite / Stratologger

 Rocketry Product: PerfectFlite - Stratologger {Component} (SL100)

Cinema X-1 High Power Rocket- Maiden Launch, Dec. 15 2012 (2012-12-16)
Launched at the Varn Ranch in Plant City FL during the monthly TTRA launch. Scratch-built rocket is seven feet tall and weighs 14 pounds loaded with an Aerotech J800 motor. Blue Tube construction ... [View]
Electronics / Altimeter Bay 3", Review and Build. (2019-02-15)
I am reviewing and building a 3" altimeter bay by LOC Precision. I show how to custom mount the switch on the sled using aluminum tubing.  [View]
EZI-65 CATO - CTI K300 - 2020-05-23 (2020-05-27)
UHD Make sure to tap the gear icon and set the Quality to the highest your system can handle. EZI-65 Flight 36 Average altitude per flight: 8000 Spaceport Rocketry Association http://spacep ... [View]
High Power Rocket Booster Becomes Whistling Lawn Dart! (2019-07-16)
Airstart 1 is a two stage high power rocket. Booster stage Aerotech I200 and sustainer stage G80. Sustainer failed to igniter- airstart timer failure. Booster stage ejection charge failed, and ... [View]
High Powered Rocket EZI-65 / K261-P / 08-12-17 (2017-08-30)
EZI-65 Clegg Sod Farm, FL Motor: CTI K261 Long Burn Max Speed: 582 MPH Altitude: 8927 Feet AGL Max Gs: 6.5 Revolutions to Apogee: 7 Seconds to Apogee: 24.9 Main: 700 Feet AGL Backup Main: 500 Feet ... [View]
HV Arcas Flight 20190511 (2019-05-14)
The old reliable Aerotech HV Arcas made another successful flight on Saturday, May 11, 2019 at the Agate Skyways launch site. She went up on a G64-10 white lightning motor and the motor ejection ... [View]
Fourth launch of my Wildman Darkstar Extreme on an Aerotech M1550 Redline. Sweet flight to 12,524 ft.Stratologger reported peak velocity of 1707 ft/sec which is 1163 Mph or 1873 Kph - Mach 1.51 ... [View]
Long Tom 1st flight at NARAM 60 - K750 Red Lightning (2018-08-07)
Long Tom had a successful flight on 8/4 at NARAM 60. The K750 Red Lightning motor by Cesaroni performed perfectly and sent it to an averaged altitude of 6975'. I have data processing and analysis to ... [View]
M1850W 16,046' URRG August (2017-11-08)
RW Broken Arrow XP Aerotech 75/7680 M1850W 16,046 feet Mach 1.442 Peak acceleration 12.97 G Apogee South at 1.1 miles Recovered South 1.3 miles Strattologger + Raven altimeter Multitronix Kate on ... [View]
Mach1 Rocketry Black Hole at SPAAR FIG 09.31.2019 (2019-12-15)
HEADPHONE ALERT!! Perfectflight Stratologger CF, streamer drogue with 24" main chute. Power was an Aerotech F67-9. Camera was MobiusMini in an Additive Aerospace shroud. Original video was captured ... [View]
Madcow 5.5 inch AGM-33 Pike on an Aerotech K850 DM, 3-30-19 at BARC (2019-04-13)
Madcow 5.5 inch AGM-33 Pike on an Aerotech K850 Dark Matter motor. Launched 3-30-19 at BARC. Altitude 1912 feet. Drogue deployed at apogee, Main deployed at 700'. Redundant fully Independent dual ... [View]
Madcow AGM 33 PIKE 5 5 (2015-08-31)
Maiden flight to 7704ft. on an Aerotech M1297 White Lightning At URRG Potter Field Aug 29 2015. Marsa 54L & Stratologger Altimeters. Fruity Chutes Iris 72' main chute. One Bad Hawk recovery ... [View]
Madcow DX3 at SPAAR FIG Launch 07.06.2019 (2019-11-23)
Motor startup was a lot like my old Studebaker. :) Flight was a Madcow Rocketry DX3 dual deploy. Perfectflight Stratologger CF, streamer drogue with 24" main chute. Power was an Aerotech G79W LMS. ... [View]
Pem Tech King Kraken on ATI I245G (2013-09-22)
Kraken goes up.. Kraken comes down. Shock cord severed at the apogee event. Luckily, it was above the drogue chute, so the fin section came down on the drogue. Top section, AV bay, Payload and nose, ... [View]